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Posts Tagged ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’

Does the “Poppy Bush” Crime Syndicate Control The world? Stew Webb, Vinny Eastwood Show Mar 12 2012

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 28, 2012



Posted in Bush, BUSH SECRET PAST | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Warning: Perfect storm conditions now in place for Big Government to allow (or even stage) terrorism attacks in America

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 17, 2011

(NaturalNews) This is an urgent message that departs from the usual health freedom focus of NaturalNews. I apologize in advance for NaturalNews readers who do not wish to read about these issues, as they can be uncomfortable for some who prefer to simply not know about this. So please do not continue reading this story if you would rather not deal with the reality of what governments throughout history have routinely done when they wanted to seize more power from citizens or expand their power. That governments do this is not even debated, by the way. It’s all open source and well documented throughout the history of the world (see sources below).

This is not fiction, nor conspiracy theory. It is historical fact, and I’m warning NaturalNews readers right now because conditions seem ripe for history to repeat itself with a new engineered war, a national emergency or some sort of false flag attack by government against its own people.

Also, I want to preface all this by being clear that there are GOOD people who work in government. There are good FBI agents, good ATF agents and good local cops who really do serve the interests of the public. In fact, I would say that most law enforcement officials in the USA are working for good and do their best to operate with a sense of ethics and common sense. What I’m discussing below only represents the bad few who openly engage in corruption and planned destructive events. Sadly, these kind of evil people exist in every industry and every profession. They exist today inside the FBI, inside the ATF, and inside local police departments, and they are an embarrassment to the rest of the good “men and women in blue” who actually work to protect our streets from criminals.

So please understand that this article is not an attack on law enforcement. It is an attack on those few corrupt, evil individuals inside law enforcement (at every level) who actively violate our nation’s laws and plot against the American people in order to gain money, power and control.

Government terror = instant popularity

As former President George W. Bush found out, attacking America is the quickest way to raise the popularity of the President. In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush’s popularity soared beyond 70% and gave him the political momentum to pass almost any law he desired. Out of that fiasco came the Patriot Act, one of the most dangerous freedom-crushing laws in U.S. history — a law which guts the Bill of Rights and is now used against animal rights protestors and other non-terrorist groups, by the way.

Today, Obama’s popularity is plummeting, even among Democrats. Popularity polls put Obama at record lows. It is at moments like this — when presidents are seeing their popularity plummet — that they often turn to “fabricated emergencies” or so-called “false flag attacks” in order to rally the people behind them (…).

For those who don’t know, false flag terror attacks have admittedly been part of the U.S. government’s game plan for the last several decades. Operation Northwoods, whose documents have now been made public, revealed that the U.S. plotted to stage attacks on U.S. cities in order to blame Fidel Castro and justify an invasion of Cuba. This is historical fact, not conspiracy theory (…). So don’t let anyone tell you this is all just some bizarre conspiracy theory. This was the official strategic playbook at the highest levels of government. It is conspiracy fact.

In other words, the U.S. government was, itself, willing to kill innocent Americans in order to garner public support for a war against Cuba. One of the targeted cities of this operation was Miami, which would have suffered countless civilian casualties under this plan. This was all laid out by the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a document entitled, “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba (TS).” (…)

As journalist James Bamford described it, “Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.”

Government will do anything to stay in power

Did you catch that? The U.S. government plotted to commit acts of terrorism against innocent Americans simply to justify its war on Castro.

False flag attacks are routinely used by government around the world as pretexts for war (…). They’re also quite handy at boosting the popularity of the President.

Slumping in the polls? Stage a shooting! Or better yet, drop a dirty bomb into the water supply and poison an entire city. In the aftermath of that terror, the American sheeple will go along with just about anything, including military troops on the streets, even in total violation of Posse Comitatus (…) which prohibits the military form engaging in law enforcement actions on U.S. soil.

Napolitano spreads the fear to prepare the people for false flag attacks

Janet Napolitano, the most prolific propagandizer of fear at DHS, has been busy lately warning people about impeding terrorist attacks around the 9/11 ten-year anniversary. What she’s not telling you, of course, is that the U.S. government itself is the group that’s likely organizing these attacks for its own political purposes. Having a terrorist group take over a nuclear power plant on 9/11 would remind Americans to “be afraid” and surrender to government authority in order to feel a little safer.

It’s classic problem-reaction-solution.

But getting back to the “perfect storm” I mentioned earlier, we now have four factors lining up to support a U.S. government false flag operation:

#1) Obama’s plummeting ratings in the polls. A new terror attack or war is needed to rally the people around the President and save his political career.

#2) The impeding total default on the U.S. debt. What better way to distract people from the reality of financial implosion than to set off a few explosions (or dirty bombs) around the country and blame it on terrorists? Violence which can be blamed on others is always a rallying tactic for governments to engineer loyalty among the people. Watch for the U.S. government to stage an act of violence and blame it onRon Paul supporters, veterans or people who own gold and firearms.

#3) The need to keep the people in line. Today, people are starting to question authority. They’re fed up with the TSA. They’re engaged in an online groundswell of disobedience toward Washington (…). The way to silence all these people and portray anti-government speech as “acts of terrorism” is to blow something up and, ideally, blame it on white American extremists. The DHS is already preparing the nation for this with propaganda ads that depict everyday white people as terrorists (…).

#4) As a Big Government bonus, they can also go after all the gun owners who really represent the last line of resistance against government tyranny. This was the whole point behind Operation Fast & Furious, in which the U.S. government has now been caught actually selling thousands of weapons to Mexican drug gangs, in the hopes that those weapons would then be used in violent criminal acts back in the USA. In reaction to this new wave of “gun violence,” the government could call for a new ban on all gun ownership — and such an act has always been a prelude to total government tyranny against its own people. (Hitler confiscated all guns right before launching his genocidal attacks on the Jews. It’s always easier to commit genocide if the innocents don’t shoot back…)

These are the big four reasons why we can expect to witness a false flag attack here in America sometime in the next six months. My Spidey sense tells me this is coming sooner rather than later. I am concerned that such an engineered attack is right now being drawn up and implemented by some dark, rogue group of government operatives who are treasonous in their intentions, and that in the aftermath of it all, we will almost certainly lose even more rights and freedoms, just as we did in the aftermath of 9/11.

My predictions for the next false-flag terror attack in America

Watch for an attack to happen on a Monday or Tuesday because that maximizes the news cycle for the week. When government announces something that it doesn’t want people to know about, it always announces them late on Friday, because most people are distracted with getting off work early and headed out for the weekend.

Tuesday is the ideal day to stage a false flag attack because it catches people at work and gives the event four days of mainstream news coverage which is, of course, completely engineered from false government propaganda. 9/11 took place, of course, on a Tuesday.

What will the next false-flag terror attack in America look like? My guess is that they now want to portray white people as the terrorists, so they need another Timothy McVeigh patsy to play the part. They’ve probably been out recruiting disgruntled veterans for this specific purpose, using all sorts of CIA mind control tactics (and technologies) to put voices into someone’s head and convince them that God wants them to unleash a dirty bomb in New York City or something.

Yes, the technology to project voices into someone’s head has existed for years. It’s a DARPA research project called the “Sonic Projector,” and WIRED News reported on it back in 2007 (…).

This same technology is also being developed as a new marketing communications system that can “beam” specific marketing messages right into the heads of people who pass by a storefront, for example. It’s called HyperSonic Sound (…)

Likely targets

The most likely targets in America for these false flag attacks are ones that have lots of visuals that can be shown on the evening news again and again so that they can burn the fear into the eyeballs of the American sheeple. The bloodier it all is, the better in the eyes of the government conspirators because blood and gore creates fear that can be harnessed to pass yet more freedom-crushing legislation (or just put military troops right on the streets). So the government needs something that has a strong visual element, such as a blown up building, or blown up bodies, or loads and loads of people getting sick and dying from radiation unleashed from a dirty bomb, for example.

That’s why the following possible false flag terror scenarios seem the most likely to be invoked:

• Blowing up trains carrying either nuclear materials or extremely dangerous chemicals, probably near a large population area in order to cause mass casualties.

• Setting off a dirty bomb in a major U.S. city, causing widespread radiation poisoning of millions.

• Unleashing deadly poisons in the water supply (although I don’t think this is the most likely one because it doesn’t have strong visuals like things blowing up).

• A mass shooting massacre at a sporting event or shopping mall. This one has the psychological advantage of also calling for national gun confiscation.

• Taking over and exploding an oil refinery. They will wait for all the TV cameras to arrive before setting off the explosions, of course.

• I also think there is a slight chance that the government will try to use a disgruntled farmer as the patsy, rigging up some sort of explosion using large volumes of fertilizer and a white farmer wielding a firearm. This would be a way to attack food freedoms by portraying farmers as terrorists. A farmer could easily target a federal building (a la Oklahoma City), and the explosion would help spread fear and instill even more government authority over farms and food production. This would play right into the hands of the FDA which already wants more control over the food supply. What better way to accomplish that than to portray farmers as terrorists?

No matter what the targets, you can best that freedom will be blamed in all this, and the reporting by the mainstream media will be twisted to condemn anyone who buys gold, questions the Federal Reserve, supports Ron Paul or believes in the U.S. Constitution (gasp!). The whole point of these operations it to paint patriots as terrorists and thereby convince the rest of thesheeple in the country to strip away whatever remaining rights and protections free people might expect to enjoy.

How does the government get patsies to pull this stuff off?

You might sensibly wonder how the government gets people like Timothy McVeigh or Lee Harvey Oswald (Kennedy assassination) to play these roles of patsies? Or the Saudi air passengers on 9/11, for that matter…

The answer is simple: Undercover FBI and CIA agents find people who are disgruntled and a little whacky. Then they convince them (or literally “program” them) to take action against the government and actually provide them with the materials, logistics and know-how they need to pull off the operations. This is why we saw government agents helping the infamous “underwear bomber” board an airplane even though he didn’t have identification. The FBI has also admittedly been caught trying to arm a terrorist in Portland with a “fake bomb” (…).

As Paul Craig Robert, a former member of the Reagan administration, wrote about this incident:

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake “terror plots”? The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Ore. The Associated Press report is headlined: “Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon.”

This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: “The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.” The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.

The FBI’s staging of “fake terror” in Portland resulted in a mass of angry citizens storming the Portland city hall to protest:…

As PrisonPlanet reports:

Indeed, as previously reported, the FBI itself seems to pose the greatest threat as it sneaks around constructing and detonating bombs, allowing an inert device to be delivered next to a public crowd of thousands, all resulting in a high-profile arrest leaving the Mayor of Portland looking humiliatingly ignorant. This is an agency with an agenda, not an agency performing its duties. Portland’s Mayor Sam Adams should be thankful the FBI didn’t decide to go with real explosives as they did in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in order to make their point and expand Federal control over the American people.

You can bet that right now, the FBI and CIA are running around America trying to recruit disgruntled crazies to carry out “terror attacks” on U.S. soil. And DHS is using its bullhorn to spread stories that the next terror attack will come from white American terrorists (…). (Meanwhile, hilariously, the leader of the Libyan rebels who have been strongly aided by the U.S. and the U.N. is admittedly an al-Qaida operative, once again proving that the U.S. government openly funds terrorists.)

Why is all this really being done? From the FBI’s point of view, it’s all about job security. It’s the same story with the ATF and its gun running into Mexico (operation Fast & Furious).

The TSA is also looking to shore up its own job security, which is probably why the agency was caught running its own airport bomb practice scenarios (…) without even notifying airport police (because it’s all a secret, you see).

In reality, nearly every government agency is right now thinking really hard about how to run its own false flag operations that will support its own expansion of power. The FDA loves to see food borne illness kill a few dozen people; the DEA loves to see drug gang violence breaking out in U.S. cities; and the DHS gets absolutely ecstatic when more terror attacks happen on U.S. soil. For these rogue agencies, it’s all about their own survival, and they will do anything to make sure they keep getting funding.

Here at NaturalNews, we already showed film footage proving how the CDC fabricated false information about AIDS in order to shore up its own funding (…). This is the same agency that spread fear and terror about H5N1 swine flu in order to help its drug company buddies make more money off the fear (…).

This is how government operates, folks: It incessantly seeks to expand its power and authority at any cost. Big Government is like a cancer — it just keeps spreading, creating larger and larger tumors until it finally kills the host. And in America today, Big Government is suffocating freedom, destroying our economy and driving America down a path of financial destruction. Just today, Donald Rumsfeld threatened that if defense funding was cut to the Pentagon, America would suffer another terrorist attack (….).

This is all being done by design, of course. Why else would the feds raid Gibson Guitars at gunpoint and order them to export their jobs overseas by claiming it is illegal for American workers to “work the wood” used to make guitars? (…)

Why else would Obama’s health care reform contain provisions that seem specifically designed to crush medium-sized businesses and drive more jobs out of the country? Why else would the new Food Safety Modernization Act actually expand the funding of the FDA, a bona fide government terrorist organization that operates a network of spies and infiltrators who run around the country intimidating raw milk ranchers and threatening to murder their animal herds? (…)

You’ve got to take off the blinders, folks, and realize that all these individual actions of government tyranny and intimidation make up the puzzle pieces of a much larger picture. And that picture clearly depicts the U.S. government as something that has long forgotten any sense of serving the People through civic duty and, instead, now views itself as the controller of the people. Government today views itself as the police state authority over every detail of citizens’ lives.

As a great example of that which just surfaced, a Good Samaritan citizen who stepped in to help direct traffic after a traffic light went out was just arrested by the cops and given a ticket. Meanwhile, the cops refused to direct traffic at all, letting the traffic back up for at least a mile (…).

The mere act of trying to help society now gets you arrested, imprisoned or ticketed in America. And don’t even try to question the authority of cops, or you’ll be tasered and beaten.

The government of America has become the very same freedom-crushing monstrosity our founding father warned us about, and it actively seeks to use acts of government-run domesticterrorism to keep the American people in line. This is the reality of the government we live under today, and it’s not going to get any better until we wise up and take back our freedoms to prevent violence from being committed by our government against our own citizens.

For the record, I do not espouse the use of violence to resolve conflicts, and I have consistently urged NaturalNews readers to support non-violent activism to take back our freedoms, throw the scoundrels out of office, peacefully march in protest of bad policies and so on. The radical government always tries to paint patriots and constitutional scholars as “terrorists” who advocate violence, but in reality it is the constitutionalists who are trying to prevent violence by restoring the Republic that America once was. A Republic, you probably already know, is a nation that exists under the rule of law, where those laws apply equally to everyone, including members of government.

And yet today, our own government operatives utterly disregard law, dismiss the Constitution and even knowingly violate laws in their quest for more power and control. Forcing government to follow the law is a very, very difficult thing to accomplish as has been shown throughout human history:

A Republic, if you can keep it

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (…)

But we have failed to keep it, sadly. America has devolved into a land of government lawlessness where even the Bill of Rights is routinely and willfully violated. Government has become arrogant, punitive and controlling. Citizens are arrested and threatened with life in prison for merely videotaping cops in a public place! (…)

This is not a government “of the People, by the People and for the People.” It has grown into a monstrosity of government for government’s sake, and DAMN the People!

This is why you can expect the next so-called “terrorism” attacks in America to be planned and executed by government itself. Now that law has been abandoned, terror is the one remaining tactic they can use to keep thesheeple in line. George Bush used it quite effectively to partially dismantle the Bill of Rights, and now Obama will continue the work of George Bush just as he’s done with secret prisons, illegal wars, economic destruction and empty rhetoric that only distracts the American people from the reality of what’s being done to us.

Heck, Obama has now resorted to using techniques of neurolingistic programming to embed action-command language in his speeches. Check out this 45-second remix video:…

Stay safe out there. The situation is far worse than you’ve been led to believe, and your own government is actively plotting against you to maintain its power and domination over the populace. This weekend’s “celebration” of 9/11 is really the government celebrating its own success at using staged 9/11 events to take away your freedoms and grow its own power.

Educate yourself: Three online videos you REALLY NEED to see

#1 The American Dream…

#2 Architects and Engineers question the official story on 9/11…

and check out this website:

#3 What is a Republic? A simple explanation of the American form of government…

Coming soon:
Farmageddon, the movie

Posted in 911, 911 attacks, false flag, false flag terrorism, FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

A new law-enforcement tool: Facebook searches

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 16, 2011

The Seal of the United States Federal Bureau o...

Image via Wikipedia

NEW YORK, July 12 (Reuters) – U.S. law-enforcement agencies are increasingly obtaining warrants to search Facebook, often gaining detailed access to users’ accounts without their knowledge.

A Reuters review of the Westlaw legal database shows that since 2008, federal judges have authorized at least two dozen warrants to search individuals’ Facebook accounts. Many of the warrants requested a laundry list of personal data such as messages, status updates, links to videos and photographs, calendars of future and past events, “Wall postings” and “rejected Friend requests.”

Federal agencies seeking the warrants include the FBI, DEA and ICE, and the investigations range from arson to rape to terrorism.

The Facebook search warrants typically demand a user”s “Neoprint” and “Photoprint” — terms that Facebook has used to describe a detailed package of profile and photo information that is not even available to users themselves.

These terms appear in manuals for law enforcement agencies on how to request data from Facebook. The manuals, posted on various public-advocacy websites, appear to have been prepared by Facebook, although a spokesman for the company declined to confirm their authenticity.

The review of Westlaw data indicates that federal agencies were granted at least 11 warrants to search Facebook since the beginning of 2011, nearly double the number for all of 2010. The precise number of warrants served on Facebook is hard to determine, in part because some records are sealed, and warrant applications often involve unusual case names. (One example: “USA v.Facebook USER ID Associated with email address,” a sealed case involving a drug sale.)

In a telephone interview, Facebook’s Chief Security Officer, Joe Sullivan, declined to say how many warrants had been served on the company. He said Facebook is sensitive to user privacy and that it regularly pushes back against law-enforcement “fishing expeditions.”


None of the warrants discovered in the review have been challenged on the grounds that it violated a person’s Fourth Amendment protection against unlawful search and seizure, according to a review of the cases.

Some constitutional-law experts said the Facebook searches may not have been challenged because the defendants – not to mention their “friends” or others whose pages might have been viewed as part of an investigation — never knew about them.

By law, neither Facebook nor the government is obliged to inform a user when an account is subject to a search by law enforcement, though prosecutors are required to disclose material evidence to a defendant.

Twitter and several other social-media sites have formally adopted a policy to notify users when law enforcement asks to search their profile.

Last January, Twitter also successfully challenged a gag order imposed by a federal judge in Virginia that forbade the company from informing users that the government had demanded their data.

Twitter said in an email message that its policy was “to help users protect their rights.” The Facebook spokesperson would not say whether the company had a similar policy to notify users or if it was considering adopting one.


In several recent cases, however, Facebook apparently did not inform account-holders or their lawyers about government snooping.

Last year, several weeks after police apprehended four young Satanists who burned down a church in Pomeroy, Ohio, an FBI agent executed a search warrant on Facebook seeking data about two of the suspects.

All four ultimately pleaded guilty and received sentences of eight to ten years in state prison (along with a message of forgiveness from a church official who called the sentence “God’s time out,” and presented them with a Bible). It is unclear if data obtained from the warrant was used in the investigation.

Lawyers for the two defendants were unaware of the searches until they were contacted by Reuters.

In another case, the DEA searched the account of Nathan Kuemmerle, a Hollywood psychiatrist who pleaded guilty in Los Angeles federal court after a joint operation last year by the DEA and local police revealed he had run a “pill mill” for celebrity customers.

Westlaw records show that that the DEA executed a warrant to search Kuemmerle’s Facebook account weeks after his arrest.

At Kuemmerle’s bail hearing, a Redondo Beach police detective pointed to comments Kuemmerle made on Facebook and in the site’s popular game “Mafia Wars” to argue that he should be denied bail.

According to Kuemmerle’s lawyer, John Littrell, the detective testified on cross-examination that the information was from “an undercover source.” Littrell told Reuters that neither he nor his client was ever informed about the warrant, and that he only learned of its existence from Reuters.

The detective said in an e-mail message that he did not recall being asked about how he obtained the Facebook information. The DEA did not reply to requests for comment.


The Facebook searches potentially open up new legal challenges in an area that at one time seemed relatively settled: How much protection an individual has against government searches of personal information held by third parties. In a 1976 case, United States v. Miller, a divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a bank did not have to inform its customer when it turned over his financial records to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

In doing so, the Supreme Court held that the customer could not invoke Fourth Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure because the records were bank property in which he had no legitimate “expectation of privacy.”

Under this reasoning, a person would have no more expectation of privacy in Facebook content than in bank records. A key difference, however, is the scale of information that resides on social networking sites.

“It is something new,” said Thomas Clancy, a constitutional-law professor at the University of Mississippi. “It”s the amount of information and data being provided as a matter of course by third parties.”

Eben Moglen, a cyberlaw professor at Columbia Law School, says the Facebook searches show that courts are ill-equipped to safeguard privacy rights in an age of digital media. In his view, “the solutions aren’t legal, they”re technical.”

Clancy, the Mississippi professor, said that courts are divided over whether the unprecedented volume of digital records in the possession of third parties should give rise to special rules governing the search of electronic data.

He added that the Supreme Court had an opportunity to clarify the issue in a case called Ontario v. Quon, but that it decided to “punt.”

The Quon case concerned a California policeman who claimed his employer violated his Fourth Amendment rights when it read sexually explicit messages that he had sent from a work pager.

The Court found that that the employer’s search was not unreasonable, but declined to rule on the degree to which people have a privacy interest in electronic data controlled by others.

Explaining the court’s caution, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, “The judiciary risks error by elaborating too fully on the Fourth Amendment implications of emerging technology before its role in society has become clear.”

(Reporting by Jeff John Roberts)

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Posted by angelbabe43 on June 28, 2011
Become a member and join us as we initiate a movement for real change.

“The Plan” 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.

PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.

*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.

*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc… spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.

*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.

*ANON hackers – begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of “The Plan”.

The resistance is here.
Expect us.

Posted in alternative news, Anonomous, ANTI-ILLUMINATI | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Armed agents invade Maxam Nutraceutics and steal natural health products in shocking FDA raid

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Amidst all the destructive activities taking place in our world today that deserve attention, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided instead to make it a personal mission to destroy the businesses and livelihoods of those trying to help people through natural medicine.

On Thursday, April 14, 2011, dozens of agents from the FDA, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted an unprovoked, full-scale raid on Hood River, Ore.-based Maxam Nutraceutics, a company that produces and sells nutritional supplements primarily for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Alzheimer’s disease.

Back in October 12, 2010, the FDA sent a warning letter to Jim Cole, Founder and CEO of Maxam, notifying him that several of his company’s products were not labeled in accordance with the US Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The letter also stated that Maxam had fifteen days from the receipt of the letter to notify the FDA compliance officer of the specific steps it planned to take in order to correct the violations.

You can view a copy of the FDA warning letter here, complete with the name of the FDA compliance officer to whom Jim and his company were instructed to respond, and the FDA district director who sent the letter:…

Oddly enough, the vast majority of the “unapproved labels” in question were not actually labels at all. They were merely customer testimonials about the products that had been accumulated over the years from satisfied customers, and posted online alongside product descriptions on Maxam’s website. Nevertheless, the FDA considered the testimonials to be marketing violations that automatically rendered the products as drugs.

According to Jim, his company immediately responded to the FDA letter by calling the compliance officer and telling her “it was [the company’s] intention to come into full compliance as quickly as possible.” This included removing all the offending testimonials from the company website after being told by the FDA compliance officer that they were not permitted.

“I contacted a patent and copyright attorney, and he had written [the compliance officer] a letter that it was our intention to come into full compliance,” said Jim, noting that his company responded within two days of receiving the FDA warning letter, long before the 15-day deadline period. “So we took down the testimonials, and we thought that was good. And I hired an FDA copyright person [who] went over all the offending verbiage through the website.”

Jim cooperated with every demand that the FDA made of him, and was convinced that all was well. But apparently the FDA had different ideas when out of nowhere, the agency, along with the IRS and the FBI, sent as many as 80 armed, SWAT-style agents to both Maxam headquarters, the company’s “Big Gym” training center, and even Jim’s daughter’s house, to confiscate all the products, company documents, and even personal files and computers.

“They took all our products, all our paperwork, all our files — we’ve been doing this since 1992 and they pulled everything,” said Jim. “They brought in three big moving vans, they had their guns on, their bullet-proof vests — they came prepared for war.”

The armed agents also stole 27 TurboSonic machines, which is a sound-actuated vibration plate device that Jim invented to stimulate growth plates in the body, improve circulation, energize the lymphatic system, and improve muscle strength. The TurboSonic machines were not even mentioned in the FDA warning letter.

“We also have a big Olympic training center up here called the ‘Big Gym’ — they went into the gym, they took all the paperwork, all the computer, hard drives, downloaded all of our servers, and trashed a couple of our servers going out,” added Jim. “They took products that were not on the list. I had an old bodybuilding line that went back to 1992, they took all of that. They pretty much just had a free-for-all.”

According to Jim, the agents stole “hundreds of thousands of dollars in products” as part of the raid, as well as personal files, insurance policies, non-printed checks, and even unopened packages of manila filing folders from an office supply store. Clearly, the FDA’s intent was to terrorize and intimidate this small company that, from all available accounts, did absolutely nothing wrong.

Maxam is currently “waiting for the dust to settle” as it pursues legal action against the offending agencies. Until then, the world must know about this terrible injustice and crime against humanity. The FDA has clearly shown itself to be a terrorist organization that has no respect for the rule of law, or for common decency. To perform a SWAT-style raid against a company that was doing everything it could to follow the law and conduct business honestly and legally is a travesty in this supposed “land of the free.”

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Undeniable Proof the FDA Allows Pet Food to Break the Law

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Playing the H.A.A.R.P. and Playing With Your Mind?‏

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 2, 2011

By Ron Logan

There is much good evidence and there has been much internet speculation on the capability and use of the USA Government’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP):

Claims and establishment counter-claims particularly abound on the capability and use of HAARP to modify weather and vibrate tectonic fault-lines so that severe storms and localised earthquakes result, along with tsunamis where the tectonic target is under an ocean. Severe storms, earthquakes and tsunamis of course all occur naturally and it is difficult to know which are natural and which are HAARP-generated or HAARP-assisted in any particular case. The full potential of HAARP is not publicly known for certain but the fact that it does have potential use as a weapon is well documented and discussed in various international treaties and official documents. It is VERY interesting therefore to note that MEMRI (The Middle East Media Research Institute) have highlighted a Pakistani journalist’s recent article on their website entitled “Renowned Pakistani Columnist Nusrat Mirza Accuses U.S. Of Artificially Causing Japanese Earthquake: ‘The U.S. has Carried Out a Second Nuclear Attack on Japan’”. The article claims that HAARP is responsible for storms/floods and earthquakes/tsunamis in Pakistan (in 2010) and Japan (in 2011) respectively:

The Nusrat Mirza article is itself of interest but what is perhaps far more interesting is the fact that MEMRI have chosen to highlight it because a close examination of members of MEMRI’s Board of Advisors and Directors reads like a veritable who’s who of top level New World Order officials: including former CIA Director James Woolsey and former US Attorney General John Ashcroft. See below and:

The questions one then has to ask is whether or not MEMRI is in fact a CIA/NWO front organisation or just another duped NGO/Media outlet? Do the CIA/NWO want to exaggerate the capability of HAARP and spread fear? Or, is the HAARP technology really as diabolically deadly as informed worst fears suggest and the malevolence and hubris of its masters so great that they now wish to brag about it?


MEMRI’s Board of Advisors and Directors comprises a group of distinguished figures in government, media, law and academia.  Among them are former prime ministers; attorneys-general; justice ministers; leading legal and counterterrorism experts; and recipients of the most prestigious awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the United States Congressional Gold Medal.  This group also includes former United States government officials, such as the director of the CIA; Secretary of the Navy; Director of Operations with the FBI; Ambassadors to the United Nations, Iraq, the European Union, and Romania; Secretary of Education; Deputy Defense Secretary; and head presidential counsel.  Members of MEMRI’s Board of Advisors are bipartisan and have honorably served Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

The members of MEMRI’s Board of Directors are:

Oliver “Buck” Revell: Chairman; Former FBI Executive Assistant Director (Investigations) in charge of Criminal Investigative, Counter-Terrorism and Counter‑Intelligence programs; former Vice Chairman of the Interagency Group for Counterintelligence, former member of the Senior Review Group of the Vice-President’s Task Force on Terrorism; and currently President of The Revell Group

Elliott Abrams: Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, Senior Director of the National Security Council for Near East and North African Affairs, and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy

Steve Emerson: Executive Director of The Investigative Project and known terrorism expert

Jeffrey Kaufman: Managing Trademark and Copyright Partner at Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt

Robert Reilly: Former Senior Advisor at the Department of Defense and Chairman of the Committee for Western Civilization at the Claremont Institute.

The members of MEMRI’s Board of Advisors are:

  • Bernard Lewis, Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University
  • Elie Wiesel, Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal, and the Medal of Liberty Award
  • Gen. Michael V. Hayden, retired United States Air Force four-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Jose Maria Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain
  • Stephen J. Trachtenberg, President Emeritus and University Professor of Public Service at George Washington University
  • James Woolsey, Former Director of Central Intelligence Agency and Secretary of the Navy
  • John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
  • John Ashcroft, Former US Attorney General and U.S. Senator (MO)
  • Ehud Barak, Former Prime Minister of Israel
  • Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
  • Mort Zuckerman, Chairman and editor-in-chief, U.S. News & World Report
  • Chin Ho Lee, former FBI Special Agent and Senior Executive of the Hyundai Corporation.
  • Michael Mukasey, Former U.S. Attorney General and Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
  • Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University
  • Norman Podhoretz, Former editor-in-chief of Commentary Magazine
  • William Bennett, Former Secretary of Education
  • Christopher DeMuth, Former President, American Enterprise Institute
  • Paul Bremer, Former Ambassador to the Netherlands; former Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq (de-factor governor)
  • Lord George Weidenfeld, Former Vice-President, Oxford University Development Program
  • Yehuda Bauer, Former Director of the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem
  • Alfred Moses, Former Ambassador to Romania
  • Herb London, President of the Hudson Institute
  • Stuart Eizenstat, former ambassador to the European Union
  • Josef Joffe, Editor-in-Chief of Die Ziet
  • Natan Sharanksy, former Israeli Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, Minister without Portfolio
  • James Q. Wilson, Professor of Public Policy at Pepperdine University
  • Edgar Bronfman, Former president of the World Jewish Congress, and president of Distillers Corporation-Seagrams Ltd.
  • Max Kampelman, Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Former Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Jana Hybaskova, former Member of the European Parliament and Chairperson of the European Democrats Party (Czech Republic)
  • Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, author of 27 works as well as over 100 magazine and journal articles.
  • Yohanan Friedmann, President Emeritus of Islamic Studies at The Hebrew University
  • Dr. Khaled Fouad Allam, Algerian sociologist at the University of Trieste (Italy)
  • Lafif Lakhdar, Tunisian intellectual
  • Dr. Shaker Al-Nabulsi, Jordanian writer and University Professor
  • Magdi Khalil, human right activist and Executive Editor of the Egyptian weekly Watani International
  • Faraj Sarkouhi, former editor of the Iranian literary monthly magazine Adineh

In Memoriam:

  • Richard Holbrooke, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan; Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Jack Kemp, Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former candidate for United States Vice President
  • Jeane Kirkpatrick, America’s first woman ambassador to the United Nations
  • Irving Kristol, Recipient, Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2002 and Former managing editor of Commentary magazine


MEMRI’s dedicated staff, of over 80 employees worldwide, works around the clock, translating from hundreds of Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Pashtu, Dari, Hindi, and Turkish, newspapers, magazines, television shows and websites.  This staff includes people from all ethnic, religious, racial and socio-economic backgrounds.  Among them MEMRI’s staff includes:

Yigal Carmon is MEMRI’s President and founder. Mr. Carmon is frequently relied upon by leading media sources and government officials as an authority on current developments in the Arab and Muslim world. Mr. Carmon has briefed governments worldwide on issues ranging from jihad and terrorism to reform in the Arab world. In the United States, Mr. Carmon has given testimony on Capitol Hill and conducted briefings before Congress as well as at the State Department, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, Justice Department, Library of Congress, FBI, National Security Council, and NYPD counterterrorism division, and is frequently interviewed on a variety of Western channels, as well as on Arab TV. Internationally, Mr. Carmon has briefed world bodies and leaders who use MEMRI research, including the European Union, the European Parliament, the U.K. Parliament, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Germany’s Foreign Ministry, the Foreign Office of the German government, Russia’s Interior Ministry, Sweden’s parliament, NATO-affiliated groups, France’s Interior Ministry, Norway’s parliament, UNESCO, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Petra (Jordan) Conference of Nobel Laureates, the King Juan Carlos Terrorism Conference in Spain, and others. Mr. Carmon was formerly chief counterterrorism advisor to Israeli Prime Ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Yitzhak Shamir, and was a senior delegate to the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference. He left government service nearly two decades ago.

Steven Stalinsky has been Executive Director of MEMRI for a decade. Mr. Stalinsky’s expertise on the Middle East is sought after throughout Washington, D.C., where he has briefed staff of the White House, State Department, Homeland Security, Justice Department, Office of Director of National Intelligence, Government Accountability Office, and other institutions.  On Capitol Hill, Mr. Stalinsky frequently assists staff on issues related to the fight against terrorism.  His research has been used in major legislation centering on Iran and Egypt, and for the Saudi Accountability Act – which led to his invitation to testify about Saudi Arabia before Congress.  Mr. Stalinsky’s research has also made an impact internationally.  His articles have been cited in official United Nations documents, as well as by members of the U.K. and Canadian parliaments.  His groundbreaking expose on the official think-tank of the Arab League, the Zayed Centre, has been recognized as singlehandedly leading to the closure of this anti-American body. Leading media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, The New York Post, The Washington Times, Stars & Stripes, and many others have interviewed Mr. Stalinsky on issues surrounding the Middle East. His research has been cited by The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Fox News, USA Today, The Guardian (U.K.), the BBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, National Public Radio, “The O’Reilly Factor,” Defense News, and elsewhere.  From 2003 through 2007, he wrote a weekly column for the New York Sun focusing on the Arab and Iranian media. In addition to dozens of original research articles authored for MEMRI, Mr. Stalinsky has published articles for multiple newspapers, magazines, and journals including The Weekly Standard, The Middle East Quarterly, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and others. Prior to joining MEMRI, Mr. Stalinsky spent a decade in Washington, D.C. at various private and government think-tanks, as well as engaging in campaign and political endeavors beginning as an intern for Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI). Before coming to Washington DC, he performed public service within the U.S. through a year in AmeriCorps (often considered the urban Peace Corps) as a City Year member. Directly out of college, he worked on the Clinton/Gore presidential campaign. Mr. Stalinsky holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and has a B.A. in Religious Studies.

Professor Menahem Milson is chairman of MEMRI’s Board of Advisors. Prof. Milson has taught Arabic literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel since October 1963.  He has been a visiting fellow at well-known academic institutions in the United States and England. Most of Professor Milson’s research has been in the field of modern Egyptian literature. He is the author of (among other publications) Najib Mahfuz: The Novelist Philosopher of Cairo (1998) – a comprehensive study of the Egyptian Nobel laureate. In recent years, his research interest has been directed towards issues of Arab antisemitism and reform versus Islamism in the Muslim world. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor Milson served as head of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, as Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, and as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (1991/2 to 1997/8).  From October 1999 to September 2002, he was Provost of the Rothberg International School. He was President Anwar Sadat’s aide-de-camp during the latter’s historic visit to Jerusalem in November 1977. Professor Milson was educated at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Harvard (Ph.D. 1964).

Tufail Ahmad is Director of MEMRI’s South Asia Studies Project (, which monitors the media of Pakistan and Afghanistan. His research is focused on jihadist movements in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, as well as on counterterrorism policies and issues of cultural and religious freedom in the South Asian region. Prior to joining MEMRI, he worked for the BBC Urdu Service in London for approximately eight years; there he was in charge of coverage of Pakistan. A British journalist of Indian origin, Mr. Ahmad studied Social Systems for an M.A. at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, and received an M.A. in War Studies at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. He also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi.
Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli is a Senior Analyst at MEMRI and editor of MEMRI’s Economic Blog ( Most of Dr. Raphaeli’s professional career was spent at the World Bank.  He also was a consultant for the International Monetary Fund. He received a Ph.D. in development planning from the University of Michigan.  Dr. Raphaeli has conducted groundbreaking work at MEMRI on Iraq, and was the first to translate the “Oil for Food” list of 270 prominent individuals and companies who were helping Saddam Hussein subvert UN sanctions against him. He has since focused on the fall of Saddam and the fledgling democracy in his native Iraq, including the historic elections of which he assisted in voting campaigns for Iraqi expatriates.

Mansour Al-Hadj is the director of MEMRI’s Reform in The Arab and Muslim World project. Before joining MEMRI, Mr. Al-Hadj was the senior reporter for AAFAQ Magazine (, an Arabic news website that focuses on Reform and Human Rights in the Middle East. Mr. Al-Hadj has participated in multiple briefings on Capitol Hill, including on the topic of “Movement of Extremism in the Muslim World: Struggle between States and Citizens.” Mr. Al-Hadj grew up in Saudi Arabia, an experience he wrote about in a dispatch on MEMRI’s website ( He obtained his B.A. in law from the International University of Africa in Khartoum, Sudan in 2003.

Stephen D’Ettorre is MEMRI’s Director of Government Affairs.  He is MEMRI’s liaison to Capitol Hill, U.S. federal agencies, and the U.S. military as well as international government agencies and NGOs.  Prior to joining MEMRI Mr. D’Ettorre worked for the United States Senate, in both personal and committee offices.  He earned a J.D. in 2002 and holds a B.A. in U.S. History.

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Threats Claim Nuclear Bombs Hidden All Over U.S.(False Flag In The Post)

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 1, 2011

An Al Qaida recruit dreams about Osama bin Lad...

Image via Wikipedia

CHICAGO (CBS 2) – The threats came in the mail and to date, there have been 25 letters that warn of nuclear bombs destroying America. People who got them called the FBI and CBS 2′s Kristyn Hartman learned, the Bureau’s Chicago office is leading the investigation. FBI Special Agent Andre Zavala said, “Yes, they alarmed a lot of people.” Attorney Tracy Rizzo was alarmed. A number of days ago, an envelope, with a Chicago postmark and a hand-written address to her private investigations firm, came in the mail. The letter inside said, “The Al-Qaeda organization has planted 160 nuclear bombs throughout the U.S. in schools, stadiums, churches, stores, financial institutions and government buildings.” It also said, “This is a suicide mission for us.” The writer, who claims to be Osama Bin Laden, tells the reader the nukes are remotely controlled. “It was clear the writer wanted to scare me,” said Rizzo, “Yes, it frightened me.” Rizzo was one of eight people in the Chicago area to contact the FBI. Agencies in Oregon, California, Texas and Florida also got the letter with the Chicago postmark. “There are items in the letter that lead us to believe it is a hoax,” said Zavala. “There are several demands documented that aren’t fully coherent.” Read More : Related posts: 1. False Flag Terror Guaranteed as Obama’s Popularity Implodes. Nuclear Attack on US City a Real Possibility! 2. 3 small parcel bombs explode in Athens 3. Race, Religion, False Flag Terror and Demonisation – The Continued War on British Society 4. False Flag Terrorism 5. False Flag Terror! They Will Use It Unless We Wake Up and Expose It! Short URL:

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The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies

Posted by angelbabe43 on February 28, 2011

9/11 Commision Report cover.

Image via Wikipedia

How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots? The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11 John Farmer’s book: “The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11″ (CINCINNATI, Ohio) – In John Farmer’s book: “The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11″, the author builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version… is almost entirely untrue… The 9/11 Commission now tells us that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents and is almost entirely untrue. The details of this massive cover-up are carefully outlined in a book by John Farmer, who was the Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission. Farmer, Dean of Rutger Universities’ School of Law and former Attorney General of New Jersey, was responsible for drafting the original flawed 9/11 report. Does Farmer have cooperation and agreement from other members of the Commission? Yes. Did they say Bush ordered 9/11? No. Do they say that the 9/11 Commission was lied to by the FBI, CIA, Whitehouse and NORAD? Yes. Is there full documentary proof of this? Yes. Farmer states…“at some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened… I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The [Norad air defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin.” The 9/11 Commission head, Thomas Kean, was the Republican governor of New Jersey. He had the following to say… “We to this day don’t know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth. . . ” When Bush’s own handpicked commission failed to go along with the cover up and requested a criminal investigation, why was nothing done? 9/11 Commission member and former US Senator, Bob Kerrey, says, “No one is more qualified to write the definitive book about the tragedy of 9/11 than John Farmer. Fortunately, he has done so. Even more fortunately the language is clear, alive and instructive for anyone who wants to make certain this never happens again.” With the only “official” 9/11 report now totally false, where do we go from here? Who is hurt by these lies? The families of the victims of 9/11 have fought, for years, to get to the truth. For years, our government has hidden behind lies and secrecy to deny them closure. In 2006, The Washington Post reported…”Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission…” What does Farmer’s book tell us? Farmer offers no solutions, only a total and full rejection of what was told and his own his own ideas concerning the total failure of honesty on the part of the government, a government with something to hide. Farmer never tells us what. Nobody could keep a job in the public sector speaking out more than Farmer has. What were Farmer’s omissions? There are some. Now that we know that intelligence given the 9/11 Commission wasn’t just lies from our own government but based on testimony coerced through torture from informants forced to back up a cover story now proven false, a pattern emerges. We know that, immediately after 9/11, many more potential suspects and informants were flown directly to Saudi Arabia by Presidential order than were ever detained and questioned. We will never know what they could have said. Their testimony would have been vital to any real investigation were they not put beyond the reach of even Congress and the FBI. Putting aside all other questions of recent evidence of CIA involvement with bin Laden prior to 9/11 or altered physical evidence involving the Pentagon attack, any failure to call to account the systematic perjury committed by dozens of top government officials, now exposed as a certainty is an offense to every American. What do we know? We know the conjecture about 9/11 still stands but for certain, we know we were lied to, not in a minor way, but systematically as part of a plot covering up government involvement at nearly every level, perhaps gross negligence, perhaps something with darker intent. Are we willing to live with another lie to go with the Warren Report, Iran Contra and so many others? Has the sacrifice of thousands more Americans, killed, wounded or irreparably damaged by a war knowingly built on the same lies from the same liars who misled the 9/11 Commission pushed us beyond willingness to confront the truth? Have we yet found where the lies have begun and ended? There is no evidence of this, only evidence to the contrary. The lies live on and the truth will never be sought. The courage for that task has not been found. Can anyone call themselves an American if they don’t demand, even with the last drop of their blood, that the truth be found?How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots?

Posted in Concpiracy, Government lies, Illuminati, Mass Mind Control, NWO, NWO CONSPIRACY, STOP NWO, WAKE-UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »