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Archive for the ‘Government tyranny’ Category

Our ‘government’ is just another corporation!

Posted by angelbabe43 on May 31, 2013

Our ‘government’ is just another corporation!.

Posted in America, bioterrorism, Conspiracy, Deception &lies, Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Occupy Wall Street – Police Brutality, Arrests, MSM blackout

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 27, 2011


As Occupy Wall Street demonstrations enter their second week, over 80 people were arrested over the weekend and police brutality surges on the streets.

­Many protesters say the mainstream media is undergoing a black-out since many corporate networks sleep in the same bed with Wall Street. RT’s Anastasia Churkina reports.

Police brutality is running wild in New York – Americans dragged, punched and pepper sprayed.

“Women on the ground, screaming, crying, after getting assaulted brutally by police? Disgusting,” said blogger Alexander Higgins.

Over 80 people were arrested over the weekend at peaceful anti-Wall Street protests.

Among them is Eric – beaten up and held for 36 hours. The deep scars on his hands speak for themselves. The activist is shocked by the price Americans are paying for speaking out about injustice.

“The police response has been overly violent and brutal. They maced five women. They collected them in a net and then maced them. They weren’t even warned. The captain who maced them then ran away to avoid being filmed on camera,” said Eric to RT.

The Occupy Wall Street movement was launched to kick start America’s own Arab Spring.

“This is a historical moment. This is the beginning of the people’s revolution. This government is not working for the best interest of its people or this nation,” said protester Faith Laugier.

For now Occupy Wall Street remains a fringe movement with the anticipated 20,000 people yet to gather.

“It would be nice if it grew into something like what happened in Egypt. But that might be wishful thinking, because the people here are completely brainwashed,” said protester Juan Hernandez.

It took America’s mainstream media a week to catch up with the demonstrations. Protesters say some networks deny them coverage.

“CNN and FOX I am really disappointed in. Yesterday, the police responded with huge police brutality, and we were calling them constantly and they shut down their headquarters. And when we would mention Occupy Wall Street, they’d hung up on us,” said organizer Lucas Vazquez.

Others say the outlets that are covering the Occupy Wall Street rallies, are not doing nearly enough.

“Whispers. A couple of things. People don’t want people to know what’s going on. Are you kidding? There’s been coverage, but it’s like “oh, bunch of people. Done. One article,” said one demonstrator.

Alternative news sources are the ones spreading the word far and wide.

“It’s actually expected that the mainstream media would not cover this type of movement. Why would they? They actually benefit from the system staying the way it is. I am not surprised there has been a complete blackout from the media,” said another protester.

Twitter and other social networking websites are bringing people out, as three years into a recession, Wall Street has still not been held accountable for  triggering  the common American’s worst nightmare.

“Wall Street has ripped off the American people to no end. Mortgage fraud, foreclosure, income disparity throughout this country is just off the hook. The main reason I am here is the corporate media blackout. The mainstream media blackout. You’re only getting news from alternative news sites,” said blogger Alexander Higgins.

One in six Americans are living below the poverty line.

“Unemployment is the highest it has been in a generation. People just can’t get a job. We have to send a message. A message that we are paying attention and we want things to change, we want the system to change,” was a common feeling voiced by one New Yorker.

But the system is far from ready to change – it is yet to start taking people’s outrage seriously.

While demonstrators marched the streets of the Financial District, bankers shamelessly toasted life with champagne right in their faces.

The US political and corporate elite embraces uprisings when they are far from American soil. But when similar events take place at home, the attitude of bankers, politicians, largely the media – and many Americans – is to turn a blind eye. While the Financial District erupts with brutality and outrage, the rest of New York goes about its business as usual.



“I think what we see right now is the embryo of a very broad fightback movement that may have the potential to grow into something larger,” said activist and rapper Marcel Cartier to RT. “I hope it’s the beginning of a revolution movement.” Cartier added that he believes his fellow New Yorkers are definitely frustrated with the banks’ mismanagement and said that those waging against war on Wall Street are much more powerful than the mainstream media makes them out to be.

“The greatest ammo to the ruling class,” said Cartier, “is the fact that the masses of people don’t yet realize that we are the driving force of this society.”

“We can shut it down in a second,”

said Cartier.

Posted in Government tyranny, mass media, Occupy Wall Street, Orwellian | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

13 Things You Can Do to Support: Occupy Wall Street

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 26, 2011

Eviction Notice Served on Occupy Wall Street – New Action

Call and email these people at Brookfield Properties and politely request that the allow the use of the Zuccotti Park for peaceful demonstations:

Ric Clark – CEO


Melissa Coley

Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications

Brookfield Office Properties

Tel: 212-417-7215

Email: melissa.Email address removed

Bryan Davis

Chief Financial Officer

Phone: 212-417-7166

E-mail: bryan.Email address removed

Throw a Nationwide Credit Card Cutting Party

Occupy Wall Street mail drop for donations has been established:  UPS Store 118 A #205 New York, NY 10038 – RE: OCCUPY WALL STREET

These patriot occupiers are fighting for 99% percent of us.   Those who are unemployed, uninsured, under employed and totally insecure in the face of ever increasing social and financial inequities.   They are standing up for those who cannot be there right now.

Believe me when I tell you nobody, but nobody knows this is going on!

Next Page  1  |  2

Take action — click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
I support the Occupy Wall Street – We Must End the Inequality and Economic Crisis Now

Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers

Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is “Single Point Failure” an insider’s account of how the Reagan Administration (more…)–by-Chaz-Valenza-110924-442.html–by-Chaz-Valenza-110923-366.html

Posted in freedom, Government tyranny, Occupy Wall Street, POLICE STATE | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

What is going on in Denver for these Defcon 1 drills? Why is Obama at D.I.A. and is there really a “base” there?

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 25, 2011

Denver International Airport

Image via Wikipedia

Denver International Airport is home to a well known underground military installation that I talked about on the Tom Martino Show just the other day, which you can have a listen to here:

The 2nd issue at hand is that on Tuesday, 9/27/11, although some online reports place this drill for TODAY, Friday, September 23, so be on the lookout and the drill is a terrorism-based, full-scale emergency exercise will also take place in multiple locations around the Denver Metro area. The exercise will involve first responders from 81 different agencies, will be conducted at ten separate locations, and will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day.  Two of the locations are Park Meadows Mall and Sky Ridge Medical Center so don’t be alarmed if you see a lot of activity in these locations.

I want to make 1 thing clear 1st, there are drills like this all the time, almost every week, and its been like this for years.  It doesn’t mean anything other than that you should always be prepared anyway, if you understand preparedness and the intelligence behind the 1st rule of boy-scouts, then you should be fine.  Don’t be paranoid and don’t let things get to you, but you should always be prepared for anything and everything.  We live in a world where anything can happen, even the total destruction and catastrophic is possible, so don’t think about it all day and night, be ready for it and move on in your life.  Don’t let it eat you up, just be prepared for it and continue.

This drill in Denver is specifically peculiar because I have not seen the President specifically mobilized for any event or drill, so it caught my attention.

The drill is being called:

Defcon 1 Cocked Pistol

THE US ARMED FORCES WILL BE RUNNING A DEFCON 1– COCKED PISTOL – MAXIMUM READINESS ALERT DRILL ON SEPTEMBER 27TH. Now, as many of you know Obama and Top NASA Officials will be in Denver on this Date.

Many people are aware of NORAD, which is built just outside of Colorado Springs, many miles just south of Denver International Airport.  Colorado is home to many underground installations, including the “Federal Center” and dozens of FEMA, Department of Agriculture and Department of Energy facilities, all of which underground.  This is not just for some random reason.  Colorado is almost centrally located in the country and is landlocked so well that it is arguably the best defensive position for any military to place its most important assets.  Just like how Bin Laden went to his mountains in Afghanistan, Colorado is also home to the Rocky Mountains and is the largest metropolis along these mountains, so therefor, not only is Colorado centrally located, it has the advantage of mountains to burrow deep into and protect facilities as well.  All in all, these are the reasons you will find so many underground installations here.

DIA was built with 50,000 of fiber-optics, 10,000 miles of copper, and was over budget more than 3 times the original amount.  It is one thing for a $1.7 Billion airport to be off a few hundreds million, but to be at almost $5 billion on completion, that’s just a joke.  Clearly something else is there, the question is what?  Investigations into fraud were conducted but most thought it was, when in reality, it was probably just “cover” for another purpose for construction that could not be disclosed.  That is why NO ONE went to jail for fraud, and ALL of the Denver media, for many years, reported on what we all thought was embezzlement and fraud.  Bare in mind that when they built the airport, the first tram system underground was cancelled during construction and they built a new one.  The baggage system was also “redone.”  Also, a Denver Post article stated that a 6-story building was built with “Errors” and they decided to “bury” the building rather than demo it.  WHO BURIES A BUILDING?

Over the course of the construction, multiple teams were brought in from around the world and the reality is that the construction managers and teams constantly changed, which was all well publicized in Denver press.  To make things more obvious, the people behind the fraud investigations in Denver’s airport were all very close to defense contractors and even the Bush family specifically, which many conspiracy theorists say is evidence of all this meaning there is an underground installation at DIA.  Officially, DIA is the largest airport in the world by land mass and has 3 back up water systems, 4 back up power generation centers, an additional 4.5 megawatt solar panel array to be labeled “green” and what appear to be 5 or 6 extremely large ventilation shafts which are officially ventilation shafts and air systems, which have never been present at ANY airport in history.  The things look like mini-nuclear power reactors for heaven’s sake.

Here is 1 view of just 1 of the solar fields:

Here is a photo of the solar fields we know of:

The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres (53 square miles; 137.593 in spite of the fact that Denver already had what everyone said was a perfectly fine airport – Stapleton – which was ordered closed when DIA was built so there “wouldn’t be any competition”.

In fact the new airport has less gates and less runways than Stapleton did (I hope you’re saying, “That makes no sense”…). All it does have is a lot more acreage. More acreage than an airport that size could possibly need. Most which sits unused. They say it’s in case they need to do any future expansion. DIA is the 7th busiest airport in the US according to a 2002 Crain’s Chicago Business report.

The initial cost of this New Beast was to be 1.7 billion dollars (with a “B”) but by the time they were done playing games, having problems, getting bailed out and got extra government money (and money from private corporations on top of that), it cost about $4.8 billion – obscenely over budget. I have yet to meet a local who wanted the thing built, or didn’t have a frothing, rabid story about the whole mess. Words used to describe the DIA were “buried in technical problems”, “poor project management”, “overwhelming complexity” and “America’s most inconvenient airport“. It was built in a high wind area (Stapleton hadn’t been) that causes it to be shut down or flights delayed often. The extensive automated baggage system so was messed up, such a circus of errors that it was worse than unusable – it was an industry joke. But it had to be built, and built there. Some say the reason that this was built and there was no stopping it, no cost spared to do so and why it was so SO overbudget and took so many years is because it has other construction that is not “allowed” to be disclosed.

Some more interesting facts:

  • Even though the area is basically flat (with a stunning view of mountains all around, since it’s in a valley), the expense and time was taken to extensively lower some areas and raise others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of earth around. This is about 1/3rd of the amount of earth they moved when they dug out the Panama Canal.
  • The airport has a fiber optic communications core made of 5,300 miles of cable. That’s longer than the Nile River. That’s from New York City to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The airport also has 11,365 miles of copper cable communications network.
  • The fueling system can pump 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipes. There are six fuel hold tanks that each hold 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is somewhere in the “no one will ever ever need this much” range.
  • Granite was imported from all over the world – Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America – and used in making the main terminal floor. This is a ridiculous expense, especially when you’re already over budget. They say, “The floor pattern echoes the roof design and subtly reinforces passenger flows”. Ah…subliminal messages to move your ass. It might look pretty but would any of us know Chilean granite from Chinese granite? Or care? You can dye rock if it’s colors you’re after. Cheaper rocks. (I wonder what the “stones have power” people say about this…)
  • The huge, main terminal is Jeppesen Terminal, named after Elfrey Jeppesen, who was the first person to create maps specifically for aviation (the company is still in business today). This area is known as the “Great Hall”; it’s said this is what the Masons name their meeting place.
    It is 900 feet by 210 feet big. This is over 1.5 million square feet of space. All told, there is over 6 million square feet of public space at DIA. The airport brags that they have room to build another terminal and two more concourses and could serve 100 million passengers a year. The airport flew 36 million in 2001.
  • The only way to get to the other two concourses/terminals from the Great Hall, or vice versa, is via the airport’s train system.
  • There are more than 19 miles (30 km) of conveyor belt track, luggage transport cars and road in their own underground tunnels that move baggage and goods. They’re so huge you can drive trucks through them, and some remain unused.
  • The entire roof of DIA is made of 15 acres of Teflon-coated, woven fiber glass. The same material is on the inside as a layer, also. The place looks like a bizarre (but kind of cool) scene out of “Dune”, comprised of huge, spiked tent-like structures. The material reflects 90% of the sunlight and doesn’t conduct heat. So you can’t see into the place with radar or see heat signatures.

The Airport sits on 53 vastly unused square miles – at least as far as the surface is concerned. Air vents and miniature cooling towers, described as being part of the ventilation and exhaust system, jut-out of the ground across the barren surrounding acreage. But, since they occur so far from the terminals in such remote parts of the barren property, some researchers are led to ask, “Ventilation and exhaust from where?”


On the southeastern side of the Terminal, called The Great Hall in high Masonic fashion, is the Masonic Headstone. It openly refers to the New World Airport Commission and dedicates the airport as a “Most Worshipful” Masonic Grand Lodge with additional references to Grand Masters and Great Halls. In the center is the Masonic “G” surrounded by the compass and the square. An arm extends over the Headstone and culminates at a mysterious keypad.

A Time Capsule meant to be opened in 2094 is buried beneath the Headstone. The Airport claims it contains future sports memorabilia, future Native American cultural artifacts, books and newspaper articles relevant to the Airport, photographs, flight charts, and a piece of the roof “among other things.”

There are two Gargoyles overlooking the infamous baggage claim area. They are very large and very high up, called Notre Denvers after the Notre Dame Gargoyles, and have been said to help to create the Airport’s cathedral-like associations.

Mural By Airport Doorway

The Murals at the Denver International Airport originally covered four massive walls and were called “Diptychs,” works consisting of two painted or carved panels that are often hinged together. The four Murals, which I number 1 through 4, form two Diptychs, then: The first comprised of Murals 1 and 2 and the second of Murals 3 and 4.

They are shocking and bizarre, have been called grotesque and apocalyptic, and depict no less than war drugs, mayhem, racism, slaughter, death, destruction, infanticide, genocide, animal extinction, famine, mass relocation, child misery, child labor, animal cruelty, wounded children, devastated cities, burning forests, dead women in open caskets, dead animals, and more.

Murals 1 and 2, the first Diptych, specifically deal with Nature whereas Murals 3 and 4, the second Diptych, present their subject matter in the city. Children figure prominently in all four Murals.

Many portions of the Murals have since been changed, two of the four walls being completely covered, and a third has been significantly modified. The Airport’s Website claims that artwork is rotated or refreshed from time to time so new artists can be shown.

Following are rare depictions of all four Murals in their entireties. They are seldom seen complete, never in the correct order, and often resulting in increased confusion and misinformation.

In order to achieve this most orderly, aesthetic, and ideal presentation of the Murals, some had to be joined from two, three, or even four panels (as with Mural 1), all had to be edited for photographic flaws, and all had to have their metal guard rails removed for an optimal viewing experience. Images taken from other angles provided the missing artwork.

The Murals have sparked such consternation and alarm that many researchers have managed to see things that are simply not there. And, since there is already more than enough nefarious and dire content to merit a lengthy dialog, we will try to dispel or at least question the many incorrect claims and observations in an effort to clarify the existing body of information on the Denver Airport Murals.

Finally, let there be no mistake, these are masterful and beautiful works from a technical point of view. Our study here concerns, rather, the nature, purpose, and possible agenda of the subject matter and content, including their suitability for display in the Main Terminal of the seventh busiest airport in the United States.

In 1994, Alex Christopher and Phil Schneider gained access to the underground facilities beneath Denver International Airport before it officially opened.

Below are some of the photos they took, along with commentary written by Ms. Christopher in 1995:

All of the following pictures are of the underground area at the Denver International Airport. Most of the areas are not being used, dead baggage equipment, long highways, many chain link fences and locked up fences that lead to lower levels and to what I know not. Many large open areas are not being used. Many large fenced in areas are not being used.

[Phil Schneider is] an engineer who had been involved for many years working in construction for the Industrial Defense Complex building giant “Deep Underground Bases.” He told me that he had been offered the position of head engineer for the construction of the base that was to go under the new Denver International Airport back in the early 80s.

[Phil Schneider] pointed out many things to me, such as, on the lowest level we could go into in the underground was very hot, not cool like a basement. He said it was hot because there were many level below it and the heat from there was rising from below us.

As told to me by a person that worked with one of the construction companies, there are five secret underground buildings with a depth of from 75 to 120 feet on each one, all with interconnecting tunnels to each other and with 2.50 to 3.00 mile long and 16 feet wide. I have even been told of a huge forty foot diameter tunnel that was already constructed and in place in this area and is believed to connect with “Dreamland.”

He looked at the electrical panels as we passed them and a crew of electricains were working on the panesl and he said they were N.S.A. and that the size of the panels would indicate that there were at least eight levels below this lowest level and that we were on in the the Denver International Airport underground.

I will tell you this–it is strange down there under Denver Airport. This airport underground puts out a set of feelings. I can’t tell you if what I am picking up there are things that are going on underground in that area at this time, or if I am picking up what has happened there in the future which we have not arrived at yet.

[There are] two secret runways longer than any of DIA’s runways. A source who worked for Bechtel Corp, who helped build these told of the $50 million high tech runways that were built in the wrong place in 1990 and then covered up with about 4 inches of dirt. (They will possibly uncover them someday soon to be used.)

[Schneider] said the [plans] for the complex were for hundreds of miles of underground roads, all connecting with high-speed bullet trains that can go at “Mach” speeds. He also went on to tell me that most of these bases are now jointly occupied by humans and either ancient earth races or alien races. According to him, these underground bases are to serve many different purposes, such as medical research labs, prisons, work camps, military accommodations, food storage, etc.

[Schneider] told me about the time when he was in the battle in an underground cavern where they accidentally broke into a nest of the large grays aliens. The one thing that I remember so well is the description of the large gray’s eyes.

He said that in the fight with them, one of them that he killed, the eye shields popped and and revealed yellow snake eyes with the up and down type of pupil like a reptilian.

He also discussed the underground bases/prison camps. He said there are thousands of children being used in these underground prison camps and that when they are physically all used up and can not go on, that the nasty Draco’s kill, slaughter and eat them on the spot.

The part of the covert government/CIA etc. that are involved with the underground bases that are jointly occupied with these agents and negative aliens have been for years working together to create a most deadly biological/germ warfare product. They have found that by using glandular secretions from the aliens to create the biological weapon that is totally deadly to humans while it has not effect on the aliens. And of course there is no antidote or if there is, the government is the only one with it.

[Below] is a picture of one of the long four sided concrete tunnels at the Denver International Airport that runs along adjacent to the tram tunnels. There is only one entrance into this concrete tunnel under DIA from the tram tunnels. One end is open in the working areas of the underground and at the very end of the tunnel where the line ends at Concorse C, there you will find a huge steel door that is large enough for a dump truck to enter. The steel doors open onto 55 square miles of open flat empty land that could be used for anything.

I hope you can sleep well knowing this information, as for myself, I sleep very little. –Alex Christopher.


The first Mural depicts plants, animals, children, and nature. In fact this one is actually called “At Peace and Harmony with Nature;” which may sound all right at first, until we recall the First Commandment chiseled in eight languages on the giant slabs of the ominous Georgia Guidestones,


with its explicit endorsement of eliminating 95% of the world’s population in order to achieve that harmony and balance. Harmony and Balance with Nature is just a long-suspected code phrase for New Age, New World Order mass depopulation longings, an issue that is reaching a deafening crescendo in the annals of Urban Legends. As we progress through the Murals, the connection will become brutally obvious.
Denver Airport Mural 1

Mural 1 Detail

The first mural is the Left Side of the first Diptych. It is one of the walls that have since been painted over. It is rich in content and full of exquisite detail.

A haloed or headdressed, Latin American Christ figure, possibly Mayan, probably male, adorns the exact center of the Mural. He sits before a colorful, glowing plant, palms suspended over the aura, like someone divining a crystal ball or warming his hands over a fire. It has been pointed-out by experts that the plant is not recognizable as existing anywhere among the earth’s flora. Various animals and the children of the nations of the world excitedly and ecstatically approach from all directions, many described as floating in air.

In the bottom left and right corners are gardens of assorted plants and fungi that one researcher has determined are all either poisonous or mind-altering. There is a wide cross-section of animals said to be recognizable worldwide as Masonic symbols. Many, including the whale, the leopard, and the hovering Quetzal bird, will reappear dead in the next mural. The leopard cubs bear photographic faces of human children.

The first Mural includes a large subset of the many children of the nations of the world found in the Third Mural. It has been pointed out by one researcher that the bodies of the children are deformed and disproportional, “usually their head and shoulders are normal size and their waists and legs are tiny or shriveled.” Children of color only appear to be represented as from their original homelands and never as part of the children of the industrial nations.

The child to the left of the glowing plant has a photographic face. Some claim he only has one leg and likewise claim that the girl flying alongside him has no bottom half. Below the leopards, an Asian person is facing the wrong way as everyone else, a theme oddly repeated three or four times in the Murals. Another example being found beneath the desert area at the far right. On the German child in blue lederhosen, one researcher has claimed to have observed Radiation and Iron Cross symbols on the lapels. We have not been able to confirm this. Nor are we so convinced, as are others, that another child in stripes is intended to recall Nazi concentration camp garb.

From left to right across the Mural, the various environments of the earth are represented: Oceans, Forest and Pastures, Mountains, Tropics, and Desert. In the foreground, the earth’s surface is a wavy sheet separating it from the underground. As with many Escher works, a Mobias Strip-like illusion is created along the edge where some people appear to be standing on top of the edge while others appear to be standing behind it.

And many other things have been observed which simply cannot be verified or confirmed, researchers in possession of unclear images or perhaps so caught up in the general hysteria over these Murals that they’ve lost perspective of the particulars. Hidden eyes and faces have supposedly been placed throughout the clouds, the clothing, and the landscape. Under the carpet of the ground, some claim to see “angry black ape-like faces,” perhaps actually the shadows of the butterflies. A double red face in the top left; even chemtrails in the sky. One person describes “a blob by the leopards” that is “not part of any of them and is out of proportion to the rest of their design.” But there is no such blob; at best, perhaps the excessively thick size of the Leopard cub’s tail was mistaken for a disembodied blob.

Elsewhere, a tentacled monster is described as being in a fissure in the desert in the upper right. But, upon closer examination, we find no fissure, only sand dunes; the monster is some kind of wildebeest; and with spiral horns, not tentacles.

Finally, one prominent researcher even describes the earth as being “divided into Above and Below and … propped up by metal poles in front.” Unfortunately, those metal poles were not actually in the Murals but were guardrails standing in front of them on the Airport Terminal floor.


The second Mural, the right side of the first Diptych, is, in its context, quite disturbing: A blatant and shocking depiction of death, extinction, and deforestation.
Denver Airport Mural 2

Mural 2 Detail

As with the first Mural, another Latin American Christ figure in halo or bandana or headdress, again possibly Mayan, this time most likely female, again adorns the exact center of the Mural. Instead of a magical plant, she hovers over the corpse of the leopard mother from the first Mural, in wild mourning or incantation.

Across the bottom third of the Mural, from far left to far right are the three coffined women. Claimed by some to represent the races to which the Masters wish to put an end: On the left, the African woman, complete with chain about her neck and drum to keep the beat or expiate evil spirits; in the center, the Latin, the Indian, with magical amulet in her arms, foliage headdress and aura about her head, resembling the Virgin Mary; and on the right, the Caucasian girl usually described as the Jewish girl because she has the Star of David sewn onto her sweater vest. But, because she also clutches a Bible with a conspicuous Christian Cross on its cover, she more likely represents both Jewish and Christian. It has been pointed-out that the open watch hanging from her neck means that the time is near. Curiously missing, an Asian representative, though found, as described, throughout the murals facing conspicuously away from the action and focus of the respective scenes. I felt uncomfortably like a mortician as I touched up the photos of the three dead women.

Another Mayan girl stands to the left of the Christ figure, holding out a stone tablet describing the Mayan End-of-the-World prophecy. An apprehensive child holds a squirrel which, if alive, may be the only living creature around.

Many of the animals alive in the first Mural are dead in the second. The whale from the first Mural now without mate, appears to be stuffed, while bright red seems to issue from its mouth and the city in the background; the Quetzal bird from the first Mural is entombed in a glass cube, though two sides and the bottom are missing and its remaining pieces are suspended independently; and, as mentioned, the mother leopard from the first Mural lays dead over the center coffin.

Other animals and their artifacts include a giant tortoise still adorned in his fishing net, a mounted buffalo head, a zebra pelt, a stack of elephant tusks, a smaller Quetzal bird hovering above the tortoise’s head, and a penguin (Great Auk) and pigeon (Passenger Pigeon) both also stuffed and entombed in glass and, like the Quetzal bird, each with a tag declaring its date of extinction. Curious that, from all the extinct species from which to choose or fabricate, they would choose the Passenger Pigeon, a name so obviously intended to make reference to the Airport’s patrons.

The distant rows comprising the fields alternate between brown and green and extend forward in classic perspective to harmoniously correlate to the lines and colors of the three coffins, as if to imply that the fields are but fields of graves extending to the foreground from the mayhem in the distance. Some of the flowers from the first Mural decorate the coffins. In the background, a towering forest of giant redwoods is on fire. After a myriad of depictions of nature so far in these first two Murals, we find cradled in the distance, in the space between the smoke and fire and the woman’s head, the first sign of urban life, foreshadowing the next two Murals that focus more on the city instead of on nature and the animal kingdom.

Though the colors may be partly to blame, it is often mistakenly referred to as “the burning city.” But it is clear enough that the city is not on fire. But, though not exactly twin towers, there are indeed two towers, as some have contended, in the distant city. Those who believe that these Murals are a blueprint for what the Masters have planned for the Masses have postulated a connection between these towers and the 9/11 disaster.

After a continuous litany of complaints, the city was repainted, but surprisingly only making the colors more clear and intense. In addition, the rows of the field were made all green. Later, they were both completely painted over, only adding more fuel to the flames of suspicion. “Why change the field if they’re worrying about the image upsetting people? The whole damn thing upsets people,” complained one observer. It could, instead, be an indicator of an item having been removed from the checklist that the Murals graphically prophesize: “If there were any truth in the statement that the murals show what they are going to do to their Masses, is the fact that the city is gone a signal that it’s been Mission Accomplished?”


The third Mural is the left side of the second Diptych. Ostensibly, it depicts all the children of the world carrying their nations’ swords wrapped in their nations’ flags, to a station in the center of the Mural where the German child in lederhosen from the first Mural is apparently beating the swords into ploughshares.

In the foreground, described by many as a dead military figure, lies what is actually a toppled statue of a military figure, his one foot broken-off where he lies, the other left attached to the statue pedestal. We will have much more to say about him in the context of the fourth and final Mural.

Two doves, probably mates like the whales and other animal pairs in Mural 1, are perched upon the toppled statue. In the bottom right corner, the cracked pedestal of the fallen despot reads


A pretty rainbow surrounds the entire scene. In fact, the leading edge of the yellow stripe turns into a flying fairy-like child in the left foreground while the orange and red ones unfurl like banners around the fallen statue.
Denver Airport Mural 3

Mural 3 Detail

In the bottom left, a girl with a bloody headband reaches desperately toward the scene’s center. As in the first Mural, more Asian children are facing the wrong direction as everyone else. And though others are as well, due to assisting or speaking to other children nearby, the Asian examples stand out since they appear to be doing so for no apparent reasons. As all of the world’s swords are being brought to the German boy, he hammers away at the sword that was or will be wielded by the military figure in the fourth and final Mural. His upraised right hand is dressed in a metal glove as he clutches Mjolnir, Thor’s Hammer, a popular symbol embraced by Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Goth, and others Dark subcultures, and linked etymologically to the Labyrinth, the Double-Headed Axe, the Tau Cross, and the Swastika. His outfit was subsequently changed and made more colorful than the original gray shades; a green shirt behind him was changed to blue; and the expression on the woman next to him assisting him with the sword was changed from smiling to solemn. Again, as in Mural 1, the children’s bodies are described as deformed and disproportional.

Is the German boy instead actually forging the Despot’s Sword? Are the children actually creating the monster? Is this a disturbing specter of global child labor in service to the world’s Arms Dealers? Or is this Mural simply as it seems: The children of the nations of the world disarming themselves, turning swords into ploughshares, and ending war, after having toppled a brutal tyrant’s statue? And, if so, are they doing so naively, believing that the monster is dead, sleeping, dethroned, or removed from power, only for him to awaken, return, or revive to wreak the havoc of the next Mural?

But even putting all of that aside, like Mural 1 compared to its Mural 2 counterpart, this third Mural also at first appears to be a happier mural when compared to its upcoming counterpart in Mural 4. Most of the children appear to be happy, smiling and whistling while they work, and, judging from the second and fourth Murals, they seem to have no problem distinguishing happiness from unhappiness and misery.

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

The passage from Micah has caused at least one devoted Christian to ask, “The boy beating the swords into plowshares is from Germany. Why would a German boy assume the duties of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ?” (Despite the fact that the passage comes from the end of the Old, not the New, Testament).

Denver Airport Mural 4

Mural 4 Detail

The central focus of the Fourth Mural (the right side of the Second Diptych) is the menacing military figure looming over the destroyed surrounding cityscape amid death and misery of children, grieving mothers, and large-scale relocation of the Masses.

He has been variously referred to as the Green Giant, Darth Vader, General Skeletor, Big Brother, and the Antichrist; he has been likened to an Alien and a Reptilian; he is an ominous tyrant, destroyer, despot, conqueror; a composite specter of 1984, Pink Floyd’s The Wall, and World War Two Europe; a Fascist, Totalitarian-looking military figure wearing a gas mask. And not a normal gas mask, but one variously described as scowling, alien-looking, wrinkled and skin-like, and fully integrated into his face, “making the face look more like some Sci-fi Bio-construct than a typical gas mask.”

He is wearing the traditional Nazi fascist black boot military garb. In fact, the emblem on his commander hat is more than reminiscent of the familiar Nazi emblem of the eagle with wings spread and standing atop the globe. Of course, the blatant Swastika has been removed, only to reappear outside in the design of the Runway system.

He carries an automatic weapon and the oversized sword from the third Mural. He is wreaking havoc and destruction on his entire surroundings. One of the two doves from the previous Mural is skewered at the end of his sword while the other is nowhere to be found.

In the left foreground stands a grieving mother dressed in drab hood and robes and holding her lifeless infant. Projecting from her into the distant, vanishing horizon is a row of refugees in abject misery. All dressed indistinguishably alike, they look like disembodied spirits, like something out of Dante’s Inferno or the dead in Hades moving from Lethe to the Elysian Fields.

To his left, three children are sleeping, dead, or trying to stay warm. They are wrapped in blankets and lying atop the rubble of bricks: One with a teddy bear to ensure that her age is unmistakable and one in the back who looks very, very young – almost newborn looking. One observer has noted that the children were since made more colorful and the child in the background “made into a minority.” Though these changes have not been confirmed, what is certain is that this Mural is now completely covered-up and gone.

The rainbow which connects to the third Mural moves overhead from left to right and wisps around the military figure, whereupon it turns transparent, floats and curls down before him, and ends-up at the sleeping children. It has been noted that the scene resembles poisonous gasses settling down upon the miserable refugees and homeless. According to Dr Len Horowitz, the rainbow is airborne biological gasses used to evacuate the Masses and kill the ethnic populations – which is not really so far-fetched since, after all, the Antichrist figure is prominently wearing a gas mask! The children on the bricks also eerily resemble a sacrifice about to take place as they lie upon the altar while mothers bring forth their newborns.

To his right, the ruins of buildings he has destroyed which some have called a church (though I can find nothing to so distinguish it) and others have mistakenly identified as New World Order buildings in progress (undoubtedly an issue with image size).

And, finally the sheet of paper, the Child’s Poem, in the bottom right corner:

I was once a little child
who longed for other worlds.
But I am no more a child
for I have known fear.
I have learned to hate …
How tragic, then, is youth
which lives with enemies,
with gallows ropes.
Yet, I still believe
I only sleep today.
that I’ll wake up,
a child again, and
start to laugh
and play.

Hama Herchenberg, 14 years old
Died December 18, 1943
Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The person and perspective of the poem is also significant in the Murals. Is it a tribute and memorial to the 14-year-old Auschwitz Concentration Camp victim who wrote it? Does it represent the joint sentiment of the suffering children of the nations of the world as depicted throughout the Murals? Or is it the ultimate inversion of sense, perversion of decency, cooption of good and right, and compound offense against Hama Herchenberg and the victims in the Murals, in history, under Nazism, and other atrocities, actually meant to be the sentiment of the military figure himself?! Is he the sleeping child from the third Mural?

I only sleep today.
that I’ll wake up,
a child again, and
start to laugh
and play.

In the fourth Mural he has awakened and, from his perspective, is just laughing and playing.


As mentioned, the order of the Murals is important, especially since two of the four have since been painted over. I have combined two photographs to give the full effect of Murals 1 and 2 of the first Diptych.
The First Diptych

The first Diptych shares the same controversy over its sequence as with Murals 3 and 4 of the second Diptych. Does the grim vision of Mural 2 precede the more serene scene in Mural 1 or follow it, as we contend? Most people believe Mural 2 with the coffined women precedes the first Mural with all of the children of the nations of the world floating toward the Mayan Christ figure and his mysterious plant. Perhaps those people simply wish for a happy ending to the story on the first Diptych. But as we will see with the Doves in Murals 3 and 4, the proof is in the birds.

Even though the Quetzal bird hovers alive in Mural 1 and is stuffed and encased in glass in Mural 2 with a tag declaring its extinction, at least one observer has stated, and many others who have inquired agree, that “the bird that was stuffed and in a glass case in the mural with the dead women is now alive and flies overhead.” Rather, the bird that is alive and flies overhead in Mural 1 ends up stuffed, extinct, and in a glass case in Mural 2. It is curious that it should even require clarification, but indeed it does, since most report the order of the first two Murals reversed.

But, of course, that would plainly defy the natural and obvious order of things, that Mural 2 portraying dead and extinct plants, animals, and people would precede Mural 1 wherein those same entities are still alive and well. And it certainly is not meant to be implied that all of the dead were meant to reincarnate, resurrect, or be reborn from their ashes. So, regardless of what physical order in which they may have actually occurred, the correct sequence or chronological order of the two murals of the first Diptych is Mural 1 first then Mural 2.

Of course, the only thing that could justify the reversal were if it were a depiction of a Peaceable Kingdom Afterlife for all extinct species and murdered children of the world, or a collective dream. That would certainly explain their floating.

I have also combined the photographs of the third and fourth Murals to give the full effect of the second Diptych.
The Second Diptych

As with the first, Murals 3 and 4 in the second Diptych pose the same controversy over its sequence. Does the horrifying vision of Mural 4 precede the more paradisal scene in Mural 3 or follow it, as we have contended? Everyone sees the military tyrant wreaking havoc before the Mural of the children turning in their swords and achieving peace in the world; first, as with the first two Murals, because this provides a better storyline by showing the victory over political oppression and tyranny; and, second because he is alive in the fourth Mural and appears to be dead in the third.

But, at second glance, the dead tyrant may only be asleep; and at third glance it becomes clear that the dead or sleeping tyrant is actually but a recently toppled statue, which would then allow either sequence of Murals 3 and 4.

But ultimately it becomes clear that 3 precedes 4, that all of the world’s children have innocently disarmed their nations in the third Mural and overturned the Despot’s statue, and in the fourth Mural the military tyrant awakens or simply appears and devastates everything. It is in this sense that he is indeed an Antichrist character who first fully gains the trust and awe of the people of the world only to turn and destroy them.

The following confirms the sequence of Mural 3 before 4:

1) Wreckage in the bottom left corner of Mural 4 clearly connects to and mirrors the statue pedestal in the bottom right corner of Mural 3.
2) As with the Quetzal bird in the first two Murals, one Dove in the fourth Mural is being killed and the other is gone who were both alive and at peace in Mural 3.
3) The Rainbow seamlessly connects Murals 3 and 4, one of its main purposes. It starts in mural three, the yellow stripe as a flying fairy girl and the red and orange stripes as flowing banners, loops across the top of the Mural and enters at the top left end of the fourth Mural.

And again, as with the first Diptych, the only thing that could justify Mural 4 occurring before Mural 3 were if Mural 3 were the depiction of a longing, collective dream by children escaping from the reality expressed in the Murals, spurred on by the horror and devastation that they experience. In that case, it wouldn’t really matter what order 3 and 4 were in. And, after all, this one is called Children of the World Dream of Peace.

The following rare photograph completely confirms the order of the third and fourth Murals. It contains both murals in the order that I have contended and with an airport door between them. Though the picture is not stellar, The telltale rainbow connecting them both is sufficiently visible as is the dove being stabbed by the Antichrist’s oversized saber.
Murals 3 and 4 In Sequence

All in all, like the doctored photograph of Oswald holding the rifle with its inconsistent shadows and proportions, the reversing of frames is an old trick we have seen with the re-ordered frames in the Zapruder Film of the Kennedy Assassination. In that case, of course, Dan Rather’s private viewing and public report helped to validate the integrity of the version with the frames reversed and was instrumental in its initial acceptance (not to mention its critical role in the awarding of his career).

So both Diptychs begin with the relatively more positive Mural and progress into the more hellish. And even now, after two of the four Murals have been painted into homogeneity, the Airport still refers to the remaining second and third Murals as a Diptych, though each was once a part of different Diptychs. I have combined the photographs of the second and third Murals to again give the full effect of the remaining Hybrid Diptych.
The Hybrid Diptych


Leo Tanguma is a Chicano artist-activist who has created murals throughout the country: “My mission is to emphasize human dignity in all people, preserve the heritage of Chicanos, and most importantly, to stress the ideals of love, respect, and justice.”

Standing before one of the murals, he says he doesn’t understand all the criticism and controversy the murals have generated. He should have looked over his left shoulder at the three coffined women who are just out of sight in the photograph of the second Mural behind him.

In some interviews, he claims that strict guidelines were provided for the murals. In others, he denies he ever said it.
Murals Artist, Leo Tanguma

It could be said, in defense of those who conceived of and rendered the motifs and vision, that their depiction of the horror, death, relocation, and misery of the children of the world, including the poem by the child Nazi death camp victim, is rather in protest and as a means of confronting the issues in Art. After all, Picasso’s Guernica, no less horrific, was never subjected to the same scrutiny or suspicion. But the gallery of choice to expose the message of the Murals just happened to be the largest terminal in one of the busiest Airports in America where millions of families pass through each year.

In Clockwork Orange, Alex, played by Malcolm McDowell, a hardened juvenile delinquent of the bleak future, begins reading the Bible while in prison. The prison pastor smiles proudly nearby, watching the passion in Alex’s face as he reads. When given a glimpse into Alex’s thoughts, though, we find him dressed as a Roman soldier and joyously flogging a suffering, Cross-bearing Jesus. And it is clearly in this spirit that the misery in the Denver Airport murals is portrayed.

And like the sleeping Monster, the military despot, the Destroyer, the Antichrist figure who will wake again to laugh and play, the subject in W H Auden’s Epitaph of a Tyrant

Knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

Posted in Defcon 1 drills, Denver Drills, Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Late night in the Midlands with Jim Marrs

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 21, 2011

Posted in Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Warning: Perfect storm conditions now in place for Big Government to allow (or even stage) terrorism attacks in America

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 17, 2011

(NaturalNews) This is an urgent message that departs from the usual health freedom focus of NaturalNews. I apologize in advance for NaturalNews readers who do not wish to read about these issues, as they can be uncomfortable for some who prefer to simply not know about this. So please do not continue reading this story if you would rather not deal with the reality of what governments throughout history have routinely done when they wanted to seize more power from citizens or expand their power. That governments do this is not even debated, by the way. It’s all open source and well documented throughout the history of the world (see sources below).

This is not fiction, nor conspiracy theory. It is historical fact, and I’m warning NaturalNews readers right now because conditions seem ripe for history to repeat itself with a new engineered war, a national emergency or some sort of false flag attack by government against its own people.

Also, I want to preface all this by being clear that there are GOOD people who work in government. There are good FBI agents, good ATF agents and good local cops who really do serve the interests of the public. In fact, I would say that most law enforcement officials in the USA are working for good and do their best to operate with a sense of ethics and common sense. What I’m discussing below only represents the bad few who openly engage in corruption and planned destructive events. Sadly, these kind of evil people exist in every industry and every profession. They exist today inside the FBI, inside the ATF, and inside local police departments, and they are an embarrassment to the rest of the good “men and women in blue” who actually work to protect our streets from criminals.

So please understand that this article is not an attack on law enforcement. It is an attack on those few corrupt, evil individuals inside law enforcement (at every level) who actively violate our nation’s laws and plot against the American people in order to gain money, power and control.

Government terror = instant popularity

As former President George W. Bush found out, attacking America is the quickest way to raise the popularity of the President. In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush’s popularity soared beyond 70% and gave him the political momentum to pass almost any law he desired. Out of that fiasco came the Patriot Act, one of the most dangerous freedom-crushing laws in U.S. history — a law which guts the Bill of Rights and is now used against animal rights protestors and other non-terrorist groups, by the way.

Today, Obama’s popularity is plummeting, even among Democrats. Popularity polls put Obama at record lows. It is at moments like this — when presidents are seeing their popularity plummet — that they often turn to “fabricated emergencies” or so-called “false flag attacks” in order to rally the people behind them (…).

For those who don’t know, false flag terror attacks have admittedly been part of the U.S. government’s game plan for the last several decades. Operation Northwoods, whose documents have now been made public, revealed that the U.S. plotted to stage attacks on U.S. cities in order to blame Fidel Castro and justify an invasion of Cuba. This is historical fact, not conspiracy theory (…). So don’t let anyone tell you this is all just some bizarre conspiracy theory. This was the official strategic playbook at the highest levels of government. It is conspiracy fact.

In other words, the U.S. government was, itself, willing to kill innocent Americans in order to garner public support for a war against Cuba. One of the targeted cities of this operation was Miami, which would have suffered countless civilian casualties under this plan. This was all laid out by the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a document entitled, “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba (TS).” (…)

As journalist James Bamford described it, “Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.”

Government will do anything to stay in power

Did you catch that? The U.S. government plotted to commit acts of terrorism against innocent Americans simply to justify its war on Castro.

False flag attacks are routinely used by government around the world as pretexts for war (…). They’re also quite handy at boosting the popularity of the President.

Slumping in the polls? Stage a shooting! Or better yet, drop a dirty bomb into the water supply and poison an entire city. In the aftermath of that terror, the American sheeple will go along with just about anything, including military troops on the streets, even in total violation of Posse Comitatus (…) which prohibits the military form engaging in law enforcement actions on U.S. soil.

Napolitano spreads the fear to prepare the people for false flag attacks

Janet Napolitano, the most prolific propagandizer of fear at DHS, has been busy lately warning people about impeding terrorist attacks around the 9/11 ten-year anniversary. What she’s not telling you, of course, is that the U.S. government itself is the group that’s likely organizing these attacks for its own political purposes. Having a terrorist group take over a nuclear power plant on 9/11 would remind Americans to “be afraid” and surrender to government authority in order to feel a little safer.

It’s classic problem-reaction-solution.

But getting back to the “perfect storm” I mentioned earlier, we now have four factors lining up to support a U.S. government false flag operation:

#1) Obama’s plummeting ratings in the polls. A new terror attack or war is needed to rally the people around the President and save his political career.

#2) The impeding total default on the U.S. debt. What better way to distract people from the reality of financial implosion than to set off a few explosions (or dirty bombs) around the country and blame it on terrorists? Violence which can be blamed on others is always a rallying tactic for governments to engineer loyalty among the people. Watch for the U.S. government to stage an act of violence and blame it onRon Paul supporters, veterans or people who own gold and firearms.

#3) The need to keep the people in line. Today, people are starting to question authority. They’re fed up with the TSA. They’re engaged in an online groundswell of disobedience toward Washington (…). The way to silence all these people and portray anti-government speech as “acts of terrorism” is to blow something up and, ideally, blame it on white American extremists. The DHS is already preparing the nation for this with propaganda ads that depict everyday white people as terrorists (…).

#4) As a Big Government bonus, they can also go after all the gun owners who really represent the last line of resistance against government tyranny. This was the whole point behind Operation Fast & Furious, in which the U.S. government has now been caught actually selling thousands of weapons to Mexican drug gangs, in the hopes that those weapons would then be used in violent criminal acts back in the USA. In reaction to this new wave of “gun violence,” the government could call for a new ban on all gun ownership — and such an act has always been a prelude to total government tyranny against its own people. (Hitler confiscated all guns right before launching his genocidal attacks on the Jews. It’s always easier to commit genocide if the innocents don’t shoot back…)

These are the big four reasons why we can expect to witness a false flag attack here in America sometime in the next six months. My Spidey sense tells me this is coming sooner rather than later. I am concerned that such an engineered attack is right now being drawn up and implemented by some dark, rogue group of government operatives who are treasonous in their intentions, and that in the aftermath of it all, we will almost certainly lose even more rights and freedoms, just as we did in the aftermath of 9/11.

My predictions for the next false-flag terror attack in America

Watch for an attack to happen on a Monday or Tuesday because that maximizes the news cycle for the week. When government announces something that it doesn’t want people to know about, it always announces them late on Friday, because most people are distracted with getting off work early and headed out for the weekend.

Tuesday is the ideal day to stage a false flag attack because it catches people at work and gives the event four days of mainstream news coverage which is, of course, completely engineered from false government propaganda. 9/11 took place, of course, on a Tuesday.

What will the next false-flag terror attack in America look like? My guess is that they now want to portray white people as the terrorists, so they need another Timothy McVeigh patsy to play the part. They’ve probably been out recruiting disgruntled veterans for this specific purpose, using all sorts of CIA mind control tactics (and technologies) to put voices into someone’s head and convince them that God wants them to unleash a dirty bomb in New York City or something.

Yes, the technology to project voices into someone’s head has existed for years. It’s a DARPA research project called the “Sonic Projector,” and WIRED News reported on it back in 2007 (…).

This same technology is also being developed as a new marketing communications system that can “beam” specific marketing messages right into the heads of people who pass by a storefront, for example. It’s called HyperSonic Sound (…)

Likely targets

The most likely targets in America for these false flag attacks are ones that have lots of visuals that can be shown on the evening news again and again so that they can burn the fear into the eyeballs of the American sheeple. The bloodier it all is, the better in the eyes of the government conspirators because blood and gore creates fear that can be harnessed to pass yet more freedom-crushing legislation (or just put military troops right on the streets). So the government needs something that has a strong visual element, such as a blown up building, or blown up bodies, or loads and loads of people getting sick and dying from radiation unleashed from a dirty bomb, for example.

That’s why the following possible false flag terror scenarios seem the most likely to be invoked:

• Blowing up trains carrying either nuclear materials or extremely dangerous chemicals, probably near a large population area in order to cause mass casualties.

• Setting off a dirty bomb in a major U.S. city, causing widespread radiation poisoning of millions.

• Unleashing deadly poisons in the water supply (although I don’t think this is the most likely one because it doesn’t have strong visuals like things blowing up).

• A mass shooting massacre at a sporting event or shopping mall. This one has the psychological advantage of also calling for national gun confiscation.

• Taking over and exploding an oil refinery. They will wait for all the TV cameras to arrive before setting off the explosions, of course.

• I also think there is a slight chance that the government will try to use a disgruntled farmer as the patsy, rigging up some sort of explosion using large volumes of fertilizer and a white farmer wielding a firearm. This would be a way to attack food freedoms by portraying farmers as terrorists. A farmer could easily target a federal building (a la Oklahoma City), and the explosion would help spread fear and instill even more government authority over farms and food production. This would play right into the hands of the FDA which already wants more control over the food supply. What better way to accomplish that than to portray farmers as terrorists?

No matter what the targets, you can best that freedom will be blamed in all this, and the reporting by the mainstream media will be twisted to condemn anyone who buys gold, questions the Federal Reserve, supports Ron Paul or believes in the U.S. Constitution (gasp!). The whole point of these operations it to paint patriots as terrorists and thereby convince the rest of thesheeple in the country to strip away whatever remaining rights and protections free people might expect to enjoy.

How does the government get patsies to pull this stuff off?

You might sensibly wonder how the government gets people like Timothy McVeigh or Lee Harvey Oswald (Kennedy assassination) to play these roles of patsies? Or the Saudi air passengers on 9/11, for that matter…

The answer is simple: Undercover FBI and CIA agents find people who are disgruntled and a little whacky. Then they convince them (or literally “program” them) to take action against the government and actually provide them with the materials, logistics and know-how they need to pull off the operations. This is why we saw government agents helping the infamous “underwear bomber” board an airplane even though he didn’t have identification. The FBI has also admittedly been caught trying to arm a terrorist in Portland with a “fake bomb” (…).

As Paul Craig Robert, a former member of the Reagan administration, wrote about this incident:

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake “terror plots”? The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Ore. The Associated Press report is headlined: “Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon.”

This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: “The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.” The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.

The FBI’s staging of “fake terror” in Portland resulted in a mass of angry citizens storming the Portland city hall to protest:…

As PrisonPlanet reports:

Indeed, as previously reported, the FBI itself seems to pose the greatest threat as it sneaks around constructing and detonating bombs, allowing an inert device to be delivered next to a public crowd of thousands, all resulting in a high-profile arrest leaving the Mayor of Portland looking humiliatingly ignorant. This is an agency with an agenda, not an agency performing its duties. Portland’s Mayor Sam Adams should be thankful the FBI didn’t decide to go with real explosives as they did in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in order to make their point and expand Federal control over the American people.

You can bet that right now, the FBI and CIA are running around America trying to recruit disgruntled crazies to carry out “terror attacks” on U.S. soil. And DHS is using its bullhorn to spread stories that the next terror attack will come from white American terrorists (…). (Meanwhile, hilariously, the leader of the Libyan rebels who have been strongly aided by the U.S. and the U.N. is admittedly an al-Qaida operative, once again proving that the U.S. government openly funds terrorists.)

Why is all this really being done? From the FBI’s point of view, it’s all about job security. It’s the same story with the ATF and its gun running into Mexico (operation Fast & Furious).

The TSA is also looking to shore up its own job security, which is probably why the agency was caught running its own airport bomb practice scenarios (…) without even notifying airport police (because it’s all a secret, you see).

In reality, nearly every government agency is right now thinking really hard about how to run its own false flag operations that will support its own expansion of power. The FDA loves to see food borne illness kill a few dozen people; the DEA loves to see drug gang violence breaking out in U.S. cities; and the DHS gets absolutely ecstatic when more terror attacks happen on U.S. soil. For these rogue agencies, it’s all about their own survival, and they will do anything to make sure they keep getting funding.

Here at NaturalNews, we already showed film footage proving how the CDC fabricated false information about AIDS in order to shore up its own funding (…). This is the same agency that spread fear and terror about H5N1 swine flu in order to help its drug company buddies make more money off the fear (…).

This is how government operates, folks: It incessantly seeks to expand its power and authority at any cost. Big Government is like a cancer — it just keeps spreading, creating larger and larger tumors until it finally kills the host. And in America today, Big Government is suffocating freedom, destroying our economy and driving America down a path of financial destruction. Just today, Donald Rumsfeld threatened that if defense funding was cut to the Pentagon, America would suffer another terrorist attack (….).

This is all being done by design, of course. Why else would the feds raid Gibson Guitars at gunpoint and order them to export their jobs overseas by claiming it is illegal for American workers to “work the wood” used to make guitars? (…)

Why else would Obama’s health care reform contain provisions that seem specifically designed to crush medium-sized businesses and drive more jobs out of the country? Why else would the new Food Safety Modernization Act actually expand the funding of the FDA, a bona fide government terrorist organization that operates a network of spies and infiltrators who run around the country intimidating raw milk ranchers and threatening to murder their animal herds? (…)

You’ve got to take off the blinders, folks, and realize that all these individual actions of government tyranny and intimidation make up the puzzle pieces of a much larger picture. And that picture clearly depicts the U.S. government as something that has long forgotten any sense of serving the People through civic duty and, instead, now views itself as the controller of the people. Government today views itself as the police state authority over every detail of citizens’ lives.

As a great example of that which just surfaced, a Good Samaritan citizen who stepped in to help direct traffic after a traffic light went out was just arrested by the cops and given a ticket. Meanwhile, the cops refused to direct traffic at all, letting the traffic back up for at least a mile (…).

The mere act of trying to help society now gets you arrested, imprisoned or ticketed in America. And don’t even try to question the authority of cops, or you’ll be tasered and beaten.

The government of America has become the very same freedom-crushing monstrosity our founding father warned us about, and it actively seeks to use acts of government-run domesticterrorism to keep the American people in line. This is the reality of the government we live under today, and it’s not going to get any better until we wise up and take back our freedoms to prevent violence from being committed by our government against our own citizens.

For the record, I do not espouse the use of violence to resolve conflicts, and I have consistently urged NaturalNews readers to support non-violent activism to take back our freedoms, throw the scoundrels out of office, peacefully march in protest of bad policies and so on. The radical government always tries to paint patriots and constitutional scholars as “terrorists” who advocate violence, but in reality it is the constitutionalists who are trying to prevent violence by restoring the Republic that America once was. A Republic, you probably already know, is a nation that exists under the rule of law, where those laws apply equally to everyone, including members of government.

And yet today, our own government operatives utterly disregard law, dismiss the Constitution and even knowingly violate laws in their quest for more power and control. Forcing government to follow the law is a very, very difficult thing to accomplish as has been shown throughout human history:

A Republic, if you can keep it

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (…)

But we have failed to keep it, sadly. America has devolved into a land of government lawlessness where even the Bill of Rights is routinely and willfully violated. Government has become arrogant, punitive and controlling. Citizens are arrested and threatened with life in prison for merely videotaping cops in a public place! (…)

This is not a government “of the People, by the People and for the People.” It has grown into a monstrosity of government for government’s sake, and DAMN the People!

This is why you can expect the next so-called “terrorism” attacks in America to be planned and executed by government itself. Now that law has been abandoned, terror is the one remaining tactic they can use to keep thesheeple in line. George Bush used it quite effectively to partially dismantle the Bill of Rights, and now Obama will continue the work of George Bush just as he’s done with secret prisons, illegal wars, economic destruction and empty rhetoric that only distracts the American people from the reality of what’s being done to us.

Heck, Obama has now resorted to using techniques of neurolingistic programming to embed action-command language in his speeches. Check out this 45-second remix video:…

Stay safe out there. The situation is far worse than you’ve been led to believe, and your own government is actively plotting against you to maintain its power and domination over the populace. This weekend’s “celebration” of 9/11 is really the government celebrating its own success at using staged 9/11 events to take away your freedoms and grow its own power.

Educate yourself: Three online videos you REALLY NEED to see

#1 The American Dream…

#2 Architects and Engineers question the official story on 9/11…

and check out this website:

#3 What is a Republic? A simple explanation of the American form of government…

Coming soon:
Farmageddon, the movie

Posted in 911, 911 attacks, false flag, false flag terrorism, FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Lies of the Century

Posted by angelbabe43 on July 29, 2011

Osama bin Laden‘s “Mountain Fortress”, shown to the US public by the corporate media, and like Saddam’s nuclear weapons, never actually existed.

This hoax fell apart fast when it was pointed out that Iraq has a great deal of uranium ore inside their own borders and no need to import any from Niger or anywhere else. The I.A.E.A. then blew the cover off the fraud by announcing that the documents Bush had used were not only forgeries, but too obvious to believe that anyone in the Bush administration did not know they were forgeries! The forged documents were reported as being “discovered” in Italy by SISMI, the Italian Security Service. Shortly before the “discovery” the head of SISMI had been paid a visit by Michael Ledeen, Manucher Ghorbanifar, and two officials from OSP, one of whom was Larry Franklin, the Israeli spy operating inside the OSP. In July, 2005, the Italian Parliament concluded their own investigation and named four men as suspects in the creation of the forged documents. Michael Ledeen, Dewey Clarridge, Ahmed Chalabi and Francis Brookes. This report has been included in Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame, and Paul McNulty, the prosecutor of the AIPAC spy case. A recently declassified memo proves that the State Department reported the fact that the NIger documents were forgeries to the CIA 11 days before President Bush made the claim about the Niger uranium based on those documents. In the end, the real proof that we were lied to about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction is that no weapons of mass destruction were ever found. That means that every single piece of paper that purported to prove that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was by default a fraud, a hoax, and a lie. There could be no evidence that supported the claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. In a way, the existence of any faked documents about Iraq’s WMDs is actually an admission of guilt. If one is taking the time to create fake documents, the implication is that the faker is already aware that there are no genuine documents. What the US Government had, ALL that they had, were copied student papers, forged “Yellow Cake” documents, balloon inflators posing as bioweapons labs, and photos with misleading labels on them. And somewhere along the line, someone decided to put those misleading labels on those photos, to pretend that balloon inflators are portable bioweapons labs, and to pass off stolen student papers as contemporary analysis. And THAT shows an intention to deceive. Lawyers call this “Mens Rea”, which means “Guilty Mind”. TV lawyer shows call it “Malice aforethought”. This means that not only did the Bush Administration lie to the people and to the US Congress, but knew they were doing something illegal at the time that they did it. All the talk about “Intelligence failure” is just another lie. There was no failure. Indeed the Army agents who erroneously claimed that missile tubes were parts for a uranium centrifuge received bonuses, while the Pentagon smeared Hans Blix, and John Bolton orchestrated the firing of Jose Bustani, the director of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, because Bustani was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad. The President of the United States and his Neocon associates lied to the people of the United States to send them off on a war of conquest. Defenders of the government will point to the cases listed at the top of the page as proof that lying to the people is a normal part of the leader’s job and we should all get used to it. And because “Everybody does it” that we should not single out the present administration. But this is madness. We do not catch all the murderers, yet when we catch a murderer, we deal with them as harshly as possible, in order to deter more murderers. Right now, we have the criminals at hand. and, while other leaders in history have lied to start wars, for the first time in history, the lie stands exposed while the war started with the lies still rages on, to the death and detriment of our young men and women in uniform. We cannot in good moral conscience ignore this lie, this crime, lest we encourage future leaders to continue to lie to us to send our kids off to pointless wars. Lying to start a war is more than an impeachable offence; it the highest possible crime a government can commit against their own people. Lying to start a war is not only misappropriation of the nation’s military and the nation’s money under false pretenses, but it is outright murder committed on a massive scale. Lying to start a war is a betrayal of the trust each and every person who serves in the military places in their civilian leadership. By lying to start a war, the Bush administration has told the military fatalities and their families that they have no right to know why they were sent to their deaths. It’s none of their business. Our nation is founded on the principle of rule with the consent of the governed. Because We The People do not consent to be lied to, a government that lies rules without the consent of the governed, and ruling without the consent of the governed is slavery. You should be more than angry. You should be in a rage. You should be in a rage no less than that of the families of those young men and women who have been killed and maimed in this war started with a lie.You need to be in a rage and you need to act on that rage because even as I type these words, the same government that lied about Iraq’s nuclear weapons is telling the exact same lies about Iran’s nuclear capabilities. The writing is on the wall; having gotten away with lying to start the war in Iraq, the US Government will lie to start a war in Iran, and after that another, and after that another, and another and another and another because as long as you remain silent, and as long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop. As long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop. None. It is time to fire the liars. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” . –Edmund Burke U.S.C. TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 47 � 1001. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, WHOEVER, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully� (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by ANY trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or USES any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding. (c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to� (1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or (2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate

SO HERE IS WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO The Bush administration and their friends in the media want this story to go away. More than want it to go away, they are in a panic, and will do everything they can to stop it. They will use every dirty trick, every paid shill, every presstitute that they can. Already there is a report that the Michael Jackson jury is “expected” to reach a verdict just before the Conyers hearings. So, I want YOU to copy this article off, post it everywhere. This article is placed in the public domain. Mail it to your friends. Then send it to your local media and your Congresscritters and have everyone you know do the same. Get on the phones. Flood their offices. The term is “Viral Marketing” where you get the people who need a product to market it for you. Well, this nation NEEDS this “product”. It needs to know that this war was started with lies. INTENTIONAL lies. And they need to know there is something they can do about it, and that is to start pounding on the doors of power. Because when a flood of such messages reaches the Congress and the media, what they will hear is that there is no more time. Either they will deal with these lies and the liars, in full, or they will lose all credibility as a government and as media. A government that lies to the people cannot be the legal government of this land. Make sure that they understand that YOU understand that the Constitution does not allow the government to lie to the people. Calling themselves the government does not make it so if they act unconstitutionally and illegally. The Constitution is the original “Contract with America” and a government that lies stands in clear breach of that contract.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — “The Declaration of Independence”

Posted in false flag terrorism, Government lies, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

China: The New Bin Laden(Orwell Wrote The Script)

Posted by angelbabe43 on May 14, 2011

Osama Bin Laden, Anti-War March, Hyde Park Cor...

Image by DG Jones via Flickr

Dr Paul Craig Roberts

Global Research

George Orwell, the pen name by which Eric Blair is known, had the gift of prophecy, or else blind luck. In 1949 in his novel, 1984, he described the Amerika of today and, I fear, also his native Great Britain, which is no longer great and follows Washington, licking the jackboot and submitting to Washington’s hegemony over England and Europe and exhausting itself financially and morally in order to support Amerikan hegemony over the rest of the world.

In Orwell’s prophecy, Big Brother’s government rules over unquestioning people, incapable of independent thought, who are constantly spied upon. In 1949 there was no Internet, Facebook, twitter, GPS, etc. Big Brother’s spying was done through cameras and microphones in public areas, as in England today, and through television equipped with surveillance devices in homes. As everyone thought what the government intended for them to think, it was easy to identify the few who had suspicions.

Fear and war were used to keep everyone in line, but not even Orwell anticipated Homeland Security feeling up the genitals of air travelers and shopping center customers. Every day in people’s lives, there came over the TV the Two Minutes of Hate. An image of Emmanuel Goldstein, a propaganda creation of the Ministry of Truth, who is designated as Oceania’s Number One Enemy, appeared on the screen. Goldstein was the non-existent “enemy of the state” whose non-existent organization, “The Brotherhood,” was Oceania’s terrorist enemy. The Goldstein Threat justified the “Homeland Security” that violated all known Rights of Englishmen and kept Oceania’s subjects “safe.”

Since 9/11, with some diversions into Sheik Mohammed and Mohamed Atta, the two rivals to bin Laden as the “Mastermind of 9/11,” Osama bin Laden has played the 21st century roll of Emmanuel Goldstein. Now that the Obama Regime has announced the murder of the modern-day Goldstein, a new demon must be constructed before Oceania’s wars run out of justifications.

Hillary Clinton, the low-grade moron who is US Secretary of State, is busy at work making China the new enemy of Oceania. China is Amerika’s largest creditor, but this did not inhibit the idiot Hilary from, this week in front of high Chinese officials, denouncing China for “human rights violations” and for the absence of democracy.

While Hilary was enjoying her rant and displaying unspeakable Amerkan hypocrisy, Homeland Security thugs had organized local police and sheriffs in a small town that is the home of Western Illinois University and set upon peaceful students who were enjoying their annual street party. There was no rioting, no property damage, but the riot police or Homeland Security SWAT teams showed up with sound cannons, gassed the students and beat them.

Indeed, if anyone pays any attention to what is happening in Amerika today, a militarized police and Homeland Security are destroying constitutional rights of peaceful assembly, protest, and free speech.

For practical purposes, the U.S. Constitution no longer exists. The police can beat, taser, abuse, and falsely arrest American citizens and experience no adverse consequences.

The executive branch of the federal government, to whom we used to look to protect us from abuses at the state and local level, acquired the right under the Bush regime to ignore both US and international law, along with the US Constitution and the constitutional powers of Congress and the judiciary. As long as there is a “state of war,” such as the open-ended “war on terror,” the executive branch is higher than the law and is unaccountable to law. Amerika is not a democracy, but a country ruled by an executive branch Caesar.

Hillary, of course, like the rest of the U.S. Government, is scared by the recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) report that China will be the most powerful economy in five years.

Just as the military/security complex pressured President John F. Kennedy to start a war with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missile crisis while the US still had the nuclear advantage, Hillary is now moving China into the role of Emmanuel Goldstein. Hate has to be mobilized, before Washington can move the ignorant patriotic masses to war.

How can Oceania continue if the declared enemy, Osama bin Laden, is dead. Big Brother must immediately invent another “enemy of the people.”

But Hillary, being a total idiot, has chosen a country that has other than military weapons. While the Amerikans support “dissidents” in China, who are sufficiently stupid to believe that democracy exists in Amerika, the insulted Chinese government sits on $2 trillion in US dollar-denominated assets that can be dumped, thus destroying the US dollar’s exchange value and the dollar as reserve currency, the main source of US power.

Hillary, in an unprecedented act of hypocrisy, denounced China for “human rights violations.” This from a country that has violated the human rights of millions of victims in our own time in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, secret CIA prisons dotted all over the planet, in US courts of law, and in the arrests and seizure of documents of American war protestors. There is no worst violator of human rights on the planet than the US government, and the world knows it.

The hubris and arrogance of US policymakers, and the lies that they inculcate in the American public, have exposed Washington to war with the most populous country on earth, a country that has a military alliance with Russia, which has sufficient nuclear weapons to wipe out all life on earth. The scared idiots in Washington are desperate to set up China as the new Osama bin Laden, the figure of two minutes of hate every news hour, so that the World’s Only Superpower can take out the Chinese before they surpass the US as the Number One Power.

No country on earth has a less responsible government and a less accountable government than the Americans. However, Americans will defend their own oppression, and that of the world, to the bitter end.

Global Research

Related posts:

  1. Official: Bin Laden buried at sea (Just Like That’)
  2. Iran : ‘Bin Laden dead long before US raid’
  3. Osama bin Laden must have had Pakistan support, says Obama(The Plot Thickings..U.S Aggression on Pakistan Coming)
  4. Now that Osama Bin Laden is dead, can we fire the TSA and bring back freedom in America?
  5. White House Changes Story Of How bin Laden Was Taken Down

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False Flag terrorism seems to be the norn these days one right after the other I for one don’t believe a word the media or the propaganda machines give us,How stupid do they thinks some of us are but I have to admit I was just as ignorent less than 2 yrs ago…The Elite are hell bent on destroying our Beautiful Earth along with her inhibatence …..There is plenty of evidence to all of these subjects New World Order,HAARP,Vaccines,911 and on ………….

Posted in 911, BRAINWASHED, George Orwell 1984, Government lies, Government tyranny, Mass Mind Control | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Armed agents invade Maxam Nutraceutics and steal natural health products in shocking FDA raid

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Amidst all the destructive activities taking place in our world today that deserve attention, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided instead to make it a personal mission to destroy the businesses and livelihoods of those trying to help people through natural medicine.

On Thursday, April 14, 2011, dozens of agents from the FDA, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted an unprovoked, full-scale raid on Hood River, Ore.-based Maxam Nutraceutics, a company that produces and sells nutritional supplements primarily for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Alzheimer’s disease.

Back in October 12, 2010, the FDA sent a warning letter to Jim Cole, Founder and CEO of Maxam, notifying him that several of his company’s products were not labeled in accordance with the US Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The letter also stated that Maxam had fifteen days from the receipt of the letter to notify the FDA compliance officer of the specific steps it planned to take in order to correct the violations.

You can view a copy of the FDA warning letter here, complete with the name of the FDA compliance officer to whom Jim and his company were instructed to respond, and the FDA district director who sent the letter:…

Oddly enough, the vast majority of the “unapproved labels” in question were not actually labels at all. They were merely customer testimonials about the products that had been accumulated over the years from satisfied customers, and posted online alongside product descriptions on Maxam’s website. Nevertheless, the FDA considered the testimonials to be marketing violations that automatically rendered the products as drugs.

According to Jim, his company immediately responded to the FDA letter by calling the compliance officer and telling her “it was [the company’s] intention to come into full compliance as quickly as possible.” This included removing all the offending testimonials from the company website after being told by the FDA compliance officer that they were not permitted.

“I contacted a patent and copyright attorney, and he had written [the compliance officer] a letter that it was our intention to come into full compliance,” said Jim, noting that his company responded within two days of receiving the FDA warning letter, long before the 15-day deadline period. “So we took down the testimonials, and we thought that was good. And I hired an FDA copyright person [who] went over all the offending verbiage through the website.”

Jim cooperated with every demand that the FDA made of him, and was convinced that all was well. But apparently the FDA had different ideas when out of nowhere, the agency, along with the IRS and the FBI, sent as many as 80 armed, SWAT-style agents to both Maxam headquarters, the company’s “Big Gym” training center, and even Jim’s daughter’s house, to confiscate all the products, company documents, and even personal files and computers.

“They took all our products, all our paperwork, all our files — we’ve been doing this since 1992 and they pulled everything,” said Jim. “They brought in three big moving vans, they had their guns on, their bullet-proof vests — they came prepared for war.”

The armed agents also stole 27 TurboSonic machines, which is a sound-actuated vibration plate device that Jim invented to stimulate growth plates in the body, improve circulation, energize the lymphatic system, and improve muscle strength. The TurboSonic machines were not even mentioned in the FDA warning letter.

“We also have a big Olympic training center up here called the ‘Big Gym’ — they went into the gym, they took all the paperwork, all the computer, hard drives, downloaded all of our servers, and trashed a couple of our servers going out,” added Jim. “They took products that were not on the list. I had an old bodybuilding line that went back to 1992, they took all of that. They pretty much just had a free-for-all.”

According to Jim, the agents stole “hundreds of thousands of dollars in products” as part of the raid, as well as personal files, insurance policies, non-printed checks, and even unopened packages of manila filing folders from an office supply store. Clearly, the FDA’s intent was to terrorize and intimidate this small company that, from all available accounts, did absolutely nothing wrong.

Maxam is currently “waiting for the dust to settle” as it pursues legal action against the offending agencies. Until then, the world must know about this terrible injustice and crime against humanity. The FDA has clearly shown itself to be a terrorist organization that has no respect for the rule of law, or for common decency. To perform a SWAT-style raid against a company that was doing everything it could to follow the law and conduct business honestly and legally is a travesty in this supposed “land of the free.”

Articles Related to This Article:

FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest if They Don’t Pay Up

The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit

Ending the Atrocities of the FDA; Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action for Health Freedom

Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids on healers, vitamin shops and supplement companies

Undeniable Proof the FDA Allows Pet Food to Break the Law

Posted in fda, FEMA, fraud, Government tyranny | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Masters Of The World Meet To Play God With The Climate

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 18, 2011

If we could experiment with the atmosphere and literally play God, it’s very tempting to a scientist.”

Dees Illustration
Michael Edwards
Activist Post
On a secluded estate in England, a small group from the elite UK think-tank, The Royal Society, are openly discussing control over the planet’s weather.  The Orwellian nature of the discussion is stunning, as this select group seemingly wrings their hands over how to delegate the proper authority to research such godlike power.  They begin by asking a rhetorical question, “Who decides?”
In a candid AP story, the entire agenda is laid bare as we are treated to a session that is “generally off the record.”  This is the grand rollout to be sure: from research to implementation, they announce much of what is already provably in the works, as well as the road toward a future of unthinkable control by an inner circle of ideologues with the task to “save the planet.”
History is full of these great “experts” who have taken on the burden of saving the rest of us.  Elites throughout the ages have insisted that the common man or woman is simply not up to the task . . . if left to our own devices, we might just destroy the place.  So, let’s first recap how these elite thinkers have done so far based on the key indicators of human prosperity.

Peace:  The “peace process” is apparently a long one.  Since the War To End All Wars, there has been a steady string of significant wars, protracted conflicts, or “kinetic actions.”  The central planners have failed fantastically when it comes to peace, and there is no sign of this trend reversing, as it openly has been announced that a Nobel Peace Prize can be given to the leader of the free world who has extended and declared wars that are unconstitutional and morally reprehensible.  Rather, events are demonstrably leading straight to World War III.  It seems like we would be better off without the humanitarian aid offered by such peaceniks.
Freedom:  The Map of Freedom shows most of the global population living under some form of authoritarian control, especially when North America is evaluated honestly.  Just about all of the rest lives under Democracy, which is nothing more than the soft version where two wolves and a sheep meet to decide what is for dinner.  This is the globalist model, which prefers centralized control and a curtailing of individual freedom by mafia or mob rule, resulting in the sucking of all wealth and power toward a top ruling class.  As Louis Brandeis, former Supreme Court Justice said, “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”  Countries with a true free market of ideas and commerce are few and far between.
Economy:  The model of centralized elite banking management has been an abject failure.  All central banks in history that have used fiat money — most of which financed both sides of wars — have failed in that they have bankrupted their nations and only have enriched those in control.  The current exposure of the U.S. Federal Reserve is finally reaching a crescendo, but our managers are already a step ahead discussing the endgame of a one-world currency to solve the inadequacies of the past.  I think we have had enough examples of their central planning skills.
Health: Between the EPA, FDA, and USDA — just to cite U.S. agencies — our elite researchers, scientists, and policy makers have been responsible for millions of deaths, conservatively.  And it is only getting worse, as this global health tyranny aims to criminalize the food and supplements that are actually proven to extend our lives.  The key poisons they enable include: mercury, aspartame, MSG, (most) vaccines, and GMO’s; all proven to reduce cognition, bodily health, and life expectancy.
Environment: Fukushima is only the latest in a long history of corporate/government mismanagement with global consequences.  Experts claiming to show the benefits and safety of their advice continuously bombard us.   Yet, our planet has now endured multiple nuclear meltdowns, oil spills, fracking-induced earthquakes, and global fallout from wars using depleted uranium — all of which have contaminated Earth and poisoned future generations beyond imagining.  The only success these elites can document is the mass killing by dictators like Genghis Khan, Mao, Hitler, and Stalin who eliminated a conservative total of over 100 million people, thus reducing CO2.  Well done if you are a nihilist.
With such a track record of desolation for all but the top directors, we had best pay attention to their own words about what direction they have in store for us next.
Most alarming about this semi-clandestine meeting is that the very premise upon which they base this need for global orchestration — Global Warming — has been thoroughly debunked by any climatologist not beholden to a government sponsored think tank or agency.  Their famously cited Plan B for inevitable climate change is nothing more than a wish list for those who wish to de-industrialize productive nations and consolidate control through wealth redistribution.  Not a good way to start saving people.
With lies as the basis for what is to follow, we continue along our Orwellian path set forth by “scientists and scholars” toward a comprehensive new vision for the future which was framed by this elite roundtable normally hidden from public view, but brought to us by the Associated Propaganda news agency:
Provoking and parrying each other over questions never before raised in human history, the conferees were sensitive to how the outside world might react.
Science:  “If we could experiment with the atmosphere and literally play God, it’s very tempting to a scientist,” Kenyan earth scientist Richard Odingo.
Well, we can give points for honesty here, but are we really to believe that this “experimentation” has not already begun?  Their own words and observable facts prove otherwise.  The top contender for geoengineering on a planetary scale, according to the panel, is “stratospheric aerosol particles.”  In what sounds a whole lot like tin-foil hat conspiracy Chemtrails, these “particles would be sun-reflecting sulfates spewed into the lower stratosphere from aircraft, balloons or other devices.”  The current evidence for such activity has already been exhaustively documented by researchers and popularized by films such as What In The World Are They Spraying? The panel actually calls this technique Sun Radiation Management (SRM).  The problem with management is that managers are then necessary, and the ones that have been appointed should not be to our liking. 
Law:  “These scenarios create winners and losers . . . Who is going to decide?” John Shepherd of Britain’s Southhampton University, lead author of a 2009 Royal Society study of geoengineering.
The think tank warns that a “coalition of scientifically capable nations” should set world direction — led of course by the U.S. and Britain, two of the most egregious abusers of the planet — “perhaps inviting China, India, Brazil and others . . . ”  But when in doubt just invoke the U.N to convince the masses that, “Many environmentalists categorically oppose intentional fiddling with Earth’s atmosphere, or at least insist that such important decisions rest in the hands of the U.N., since every nation on Earth has a stake in the skies above.”  The United Nations; world police force and repository of incremental global control.
Politics: “One of the challenges is identifying intentions, one of which could be offensive military use.”  — Indian development specialist Arunabha Ghosh referring to weather modification. 
If the weather can truly be controlled, then one can surmise that we are entering a future of weather wars.  And, yet, this already has been addressed in key white papers such as Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather By 2025.  Perhaps the real concern is similar to that of all WMDs — to be sure that only the ruling elite can use them, while anyone who opposes or retaliates is marked with the cattle brand of terrorist.
Philosophy:  “There’s the ‘slippery slope’ view that as soon as you start to do this research, you say it’s OK to think about things you shouldn’t be thinking about.”  — Steve Rayner, co-director of Oxford University’s geoengineering program.  
The philosophy of “thinking the unthinkable” always has been trumpeted as a necessary contingency plan to protect the masses from lone nuts and rogue governments when, in reality, it is the justification for what already has been engineered by psychopaths and sociopaths in positions of power within dominant governments and by their think-tank minions.  It is their hatred for the masses and subsequent policies that lead to what normal people call unthinkable scenarios.    Conclusion:  “I’m queasy about some billionaire with a messiah complex having a major role in geoengineering research,” — Clive Hamilton, Australian economist-ethicist.
It takes a lot more than a few billion dollars to orchestrate weather control, just as flight-school flunkies with box cutters, or a white supremacist in Oklahoma with a store-bought truck bomb cannot orchestrate large-scale terrorism. For a real messiah complex with money to back it, one needs a government sponsor.  This is misdirection right from the playbook . . . and that should make us queasy.

Naturally, “All discussions lead to the central theme of how to oversee research.”  There it is: more control.  This control is hidden by our overseers in their “worry” that this new capability will lead to a Geoengineering Industrial Complex.  It is a pathetic echo of Eisenhower’s famous speech warning of a Military Industrial Complex.  This is not a worry at all, as we are getting the message straight from The Four Horsemen’s mouth.  These days such worries are not issued as a dire broadcast of the threat to individual liberty; they are sibilant whispers to a mainstream media peddling the message that only the eradication of individual liberty can save us all.

Iran not behind Mideast protests: Mullen

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