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Posts Tagged ‘Government’

Andrew Breitbart assasinated , Alfred Webre

Posted by angelbabe43 on May 1, 2012

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is a futurist and author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe (available at, a book that founded the field of Exopolitics — the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. Exopolitics includes a case study of human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars.

Tonight we heard from Alfred who has worked with Sheriff Joe Arpioa on who Obama really is and we can all join together and defeat the NWO but you all have to get off your asses, get your heads out of the sand and take action now

join us at

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Dear America

Posted by angelbabe43 on September 14, 2011

9/11: 34 Facts The Media Won't Discuss And The...

Dear America, I used to love you so much that I selflessly served in your Army. I took your orders. I bought into the dream. I worked for money, bought houses, and supported my local economy. I voted for leaders…until a few years ago when it became very clear that voting didn’t matter. I noticed that our politicians, regardless of their party, never did what they promised to do, which made them all liars. I started to become suspicious of the motives of our Government, who declared other nations ‘terrorists’, invaded them under false pretenses, ruined their infrastructures, and then sent their close friends to ‘fix’ things up. I heard about pallets of untracked cash being handed out without accountability. I saw videos of the World Trade Center obviously being imploded by well-set explosive devices. I saw our leaders lie on camera, over and over again. I started to hear about conspiracy ‘theories’, and as a thoughtful person whose brain was not completely jumbled by T.V. I started to do research of my own. Always a skeptic, I need to prove things to myself. I watched videos, I heard about secret societies like the Illuminati. I learned about the New World Order. I watched JFK try to warn us about secret societies (youtube). I watched Eisenhower try to warn us about the dangers of Military Industrial Complex (youtube). I found that America is not as it seems on the surface and that the dirty under belly is practically exposed for anyone who wants to see the truth. I tried to tell my friends, but they all seem to be still asleep. It is not their faults – television has rewired their synaptic pathways so that they cannot think critically any longer. I don’t know what to do to help my fellow citizens. Their plans have been so perfect that the Country is now populated by the very compliant, dumb-downed slaves that they had planned for all these decades ago. I mourn for the loss of my friends who I wish would wake up. America is no longer the home of the free, land of the brave. It is now the home of 300+ million slaves who are like little sheep following whatever sound byte is placed so carefully before them by the media. I learned that all media is owned by a few people, all of whom serve the greater good, which is not what I had believed it was. The greater good is actually the will of a few greedy banking families who in essence rule the entire world. They order the skies to be dimmed to depopulate the world because they know that 6 billion slaves is way too many to manage. We think the clouds are real and that chemtrails are normal contrails. We think this because they have ruined our ability to think critically. Our brains can only handle a few lines of info at a time before we feel anxious and bored. We cannot hold onto a simple problem any longer. We don’t want to believe a story so incredibly horrific that involves a conspiracy on a global level run by a few extremely wealthy families. We can’t comprehend that one family holds 1/2 of the world’s wealth. We cannot comprehend what sort of power and influence $500 TRILLION dollars in the hands of one greedy, very fearful family must be able to wield. We cannot understand that the Armies and Governments of the World are actually this family’s minions, and that they must do exactly as they are ordered or very dire consequences will befall them. We cannot understand that H.A.A.R.P. may actually be used against other countries as a weapon of mass destruction. We cannot believe rumors that someone may have actually created the tsunami that destroyed Japan and is now spreading radiation around the World. What sort of person or people could order this? They are not my friends, but evidently they run my country. Why wasn’t I told this in school?? America, i know you are an amazing place, but you have become the bastard step-child of the banking families. They are destroying you right in front of your faces. You are still sleeping, though, and watching T.V. You are eating nachos, drinking beer, and shopping at Target. Until you all wake up and start believing what your friends are trying to tell you, you will let your own country fall before your very eyes. Your rights are being taken away each second of each day. You think it is ok to have your car searched because someone says there is ‘reasonable cause’ to believe that there is going to be a car bomb so every car should be searched…without a warrant. You think this is making you safe. This is actually making you part and party to your own loss of rights. As you comply more and more with illegal activities against the Constitution, you are allowing your own rights to be removed. Soon you will be living in a complete police state and then you will be really angry. But you will find that you cannot even go outside to protest. Protesting is now illegal and you do not have rights of free speech. They will arrest you if they don’t like what you say and do. Is this America? If you have read this far, maybe I have gotten you thinking. Maybe you are even thinking, ‘Well, I am a good little American and those crazies that go out and protest deserve to be arrested.” Just wait until you disagree with something. Perhaps it is the way your children are being treated at school that will get your goat some day and you will want to protest. Perhaps it will be the county removing you from your land because they want it. It will be something personal to you…but do you really want to wait that long? As for the Constitution, I have not seen much evidence of its power in years, and I come to find out that 160 years ago our Constitution was pretty much thrown out the window…they just forgot to tell us all. Does this worry you? It should. It worried me enough to leave the Country I once loved enough to serve. I am frightened for you all. I fear that you will believe the lies that they continue to tell you because you think they are honorable men and women. I beg of you all to wake up and start reading and watching what your friends who speak of ‘sheeple’ are trying to tell you. Wake up! It is not as it seems. American is not as it seems. Nothing is really as it seems. I won’t tell you what you should do about it, you will have to decide that on your own, but do not believe that your government has your best interests at heart. They do not. They have other ideas that are forced upon them by the true powers of this world: the banking families. If you want to start your research, google the following: bill gates depopulation illuminati rothschilds banking illuminati new world order truth for 9/11 Thank you for reading. Please try to wake your friends up. Feel free to share this. Shine! On(e)

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The 5 Words Used to Control / Enslave You

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 18, 2011

Dees Illustration

Steven, Æ, Contributing Writer

Note:   Many well-known freedom movement spokesmen/women have not been willing to fully discuss and expose this subject for reasons known only to them.  Why? Because, they either think it is too trivial, they do not fully understand it or perhaps in their mind, it’s been debunked by an attorney, whom they give credence to, without doing their own thorough due diligence. It is also important to note that there are some well-intentioned lawyers who strive to assist in making our world a safer and better place for all to live. The intention of this article is to shine a bright light and empower you to help break the matrix grip.

First and foremost, it is vitally important to comprehend that everything in the business / commercial world is done by contract, both public and private.   Secondly, relationships are also contractual — marital, parental and social (friendships).  You both consciously and unconsciously verbally contract all day long, and when merited, in written form as well.

Words are understood to be very powerful and it is through spelling that spells are cast.   However, it is a very misunderstood fact that words used in everyday language most often do not have the same meaning in a legal sense (contractual or court setting).
What are these 5 words that are used to control / enslave you?  Person, resident, citizen, driver and passenger (all commercial terms).  In my humble opinion, these 5 words are the keys to casting the spell in the attorneys’ legal jargon trickery.  All commercial transactions / contracts have been designed to remove the men and women from the equation and replace with a legal fictional entity in the matrix system.
PERSON is a legal entity – a trust, corporation, partnership, association.   Don’t be fooled by the attorney’s statutory word trickery if you see  “natural person”.  An adjective cannot change the root meaning of a word.   Plain and simple, it is impossible to be a “person”.  You are either a man or woman – a living being.   A “person” is a dead entity and attorneys may only represent persons – commercial legal entities.

RESIDENT is the word term used to establish jurisdiction in a State (a legal entity).  To “reside” is a commercial term only used to establish domicile for tax revenue purposes.

CITIZEN is the word term used to establish jurisdiction in a Federal district.  It is also a commercial term only used to establish domicile for tax revenue purposes.  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may only tax those people who have voluntarily deemed themselves internal to the district.  Thus only legal entities have tax liability.
DRIVER is a For Hire / paid operator of a motor vehicle.  The term “motor vehicle” is defined as every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo.
PASSENGER is someone who pays a fare for passage on a commercial carrier – airplane, bus, taxi, limousine, cruise ship, train or trolley, rather than a “guest” who travels without charge or fee.It is necessary to go to the very root when looking at a complex problem.  It is obvious that most politicians and their key staff are attorneys/lawyers, who are minions in servitude to the bankers. The simplest solution is to start removing the attorneys from office.

Take note of these quotes:

“In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me that ‘If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff, the entire system will collapse’.” — Henry Bellmon, U.S. Senator (1969).

“Our tax system is based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance.” — Mortimer Caplin, former Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Internal Revenue Audit Manual (1975).
“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions.  They are not … they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders.  The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history.  Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government.   It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” — Congressman Charles McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10, 1932.
“The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.  History depicts Andrew Jackson as the last truly honorable and incorruptible American president.” — President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, November 23, 1933 in a letter to Colonel Edward Mandell House.”… our system of credit is concentrated … in the hands of a few men .. a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that [we had] better not speak above [our] breath when [we] speak in condemnation of it … We have come to be … completely controlled … by … small groups of dominant men.” — President Woodrow Wilson.

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes” — Felix Frankfurter, United States Supreme Court Justice.
“Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.” — Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 – 1812)

The Solution for unraveling control in the matrix grip:

The NAME = all Capital letter designation – JOHN DOE or JANE DOE is the corporate legal entity = person (also known as – strawman).
This is not a trivial matter.  The key to your freedom is to know that you are not this NAME / PERSON.  The voluntary act of identifying yourself in a legal contractual setting without proper status declaration will continue your enslavement to the system.  You are a living being.
There are 4 ways to respond when offered a contract – acceptance, conditional acceptance, rejection or going silent (acquiescence).  The first two choices are honorable and the last two choices are dishonorable.
Why is a judge referred to as Your Honor? – It’s because he/she is weighing who is before him/her and remaining in honor . . . like a mirror and also weighing who will get into argument and therefore acting in dishonor.


You will always lose unless you abide by the rules of the matrix game. You will probably lose even if you use the rules, because you will argue and that is what the “controllers” want you to do, argue.  When you argue, you are in dishonor.   This is unfortunately how we’ve been conditioned.
Forget about the law. The law is only for those that have violated some tenet of commerce.

Remember, everything in this world is a contract. When you go to the store to purchase a quart of milk, you are about to enter into a contract. When you pick up the milk and pay for it, the clerk will give you a receipt. This receipt is the title to the quart of milk. If you discard the receipt before you leave the store and you leave the store, you could be charged with stealing since you do not have the title to the milk.
You will probably begin to argue. Once you begin to argue, you are in dishonor and when you are in dishonor nothing matters except getting back in honor.

Here is a Biblical story example:  Jesus came upon the land to teach people how to operate in commerce. His main purpose was to save us from our dishonor. Yet we persist in this dishonor by acquiring things, which we are treating as little demigods.

One of the best lessons Jesus taught was by his example. On his trip to Galilee, he encountered three beggars, who called out and said “Jesus, heal us”!  They were offering Jesus a contract.

There are four possible ways in which to answer when one is offered a contract.

a. Agree to the contract and you are in honor.
b. Remain silent (is consider insolent) and therefore you are in dishonor.
c. To argue about the contract is a dishonor. That is why the courts want you to have an attorney. Attorneys argue and get you in dishonor.  They are there to turn you in!
d. Doing a novation is like bargaining and it is a conditional acceptance. For example, if a merchant is selling apples for one dollar each and you want an apple, but you don’t want to pay a dollar, you may offer fifty cents.  This is bartering, not dishonor and you are remaining in honor. You have just placed the merchant in the position of having to make one of the same four choices on how to answer.  You will probably walk away and he will lose the sale if he declines by arguing or remaining silent.  He lost because he dishonored you.  He remains in honor if he chooses ‘d’.
Getting back to the lesson. The beggars offered Jesus a contract. Jesus replied, “What would you have me do?” He is now doing a novation to the contract. Before he can comply, he has to know what the contract requires.  The beggars then re-offered the contract to Jesus by saying, “make us see”.  He then agreed by saying, “you are healed”. The beggars and Jesus were always in honor and the contract was completed and everyone was satisfied.
In a court setting, you should re-offer the Judge, by stating:  Your Honor, I conditionally accept your offer to give you a NAME upon Proof of Claim that if I do so, it will not bind me to any contract with the State of XYZ (whatever jurisdiction you are supposedly in). The judge will keep trying to get you into contract. You must continue to conditionally accepting the judge’s offer by continually repeating, upon Proof of whatever Claim they are making.
The case is The State of XXY v. JOHN DOE. The judge asks you…How do you plead, Guilty or Not Guilty? or he may say Responsible or Not Responsible?  Your answer: Your honor, I conditionally accept your offer to plead upon Proof of Claim that the State of XYX is an injured or the State of XYZ and I have a contract and upon Proof of Claim that the XYZ on the complaint, in all upper case letters is not a legal fiction and upon Proof of Claim that, I, a living being, am a corporation.
The people of the courts and all levels of government presume that you are a corporation because all courts and governments are legal fictions and following the law of like kind can only deal with other legal fictions or incompetent persons.  All government codes/statutes (laws) deal only with persons, corporations, trusts, partnerships or other like entities. They are not real. They only exist on paper (in form). They do not exist in the physical sense (substance).
A city, a county and a state have lines drawn on a map that show (what they claim to be) their jurisdiction. There are buildings that are referred to as schools, courts, offices and other titles.  They are real because they are made with gravel, cement, wood and other physical materials. The government is a fiction created from a man’s imagination.  It is of course not real, and only an image in people’s minds.  It cannot do anything without the physical man. The physical man has a “go between” and that “go between” is a legal fiction.  It is a transmitting utility. Just like the electric power company manufactures electrical power for business or home use, the transmission lines are the transmitting utility that connects them together.  The person – legal entity – strawman – all capital letter name fictional corporation is the transmitting utility between the flesh and blood man and the government and its agencies.
Presumption comes into play when you receive a contract from the government, a police officer, court, etc., and if you do not correct them, they will presume that you are the all capital letter NAME – legal entity. It is when you don’t correct them that the presumption becomes a stipulation of fact.
A stipulation is an agreement that the facts of the case are not in dispute and therefore will not and cannot be addressed from the point of stipulation.  The way that you get into a contract is by doing something that you may be unaware of . . . like a drivers license.  You are offering the State to allow you to operate a vehicle in a commercial venture on the roadways within the State, when you apply for a driver’s license.
Whomever offers the contract has the energy or the power because they are the Creditor. The one who is being offered the contract is the Debtor. You always want to be the Creditor.  Now, while you are operating the vehicle in commerce, you violate a rule (law) that you agreed to abide by accepting the license.
You were the Creditor when you applied for a license, and were in honor. They were the Debtor. Then they re-offered you the license, making them the Creditor and you the Debtor. Everyone is still in honor when you accepted the license (contract).   When you violate some rule (law), you are in dishonor and have to go to a hearing (court). Once again, you are going through the same rules. Honor and dishonor.
Condition yourself to remember that everything is a contract.  When somebody offers you a contract and you do not like the terms, simply re-offer or counter-offer.  When a debt collector sends a letter / a collection notice that is a contract. You now have the choices of a, b, c, and d.  What are you going to do? The thing not to do is argue or remain silent. You must re-offer in a timely manner.
“Mr. Debt Collector, I conditionally accept your offer to pay the debt indicated, upon Proof of Claim that you are the owner of the debt and upon Proof of Claim that you and I have a signed contract.
When a police officer pulls you over and offers you a ticket for speeding, the ticket is a contract. When he asks you to sign the ticket, stating that you promise to appear at a certain date, that is a contract. You may properly do two things.

1. You may demand that the police officer takes you to a Judge/Magistrate immediately or;

2. You may sign the ticket: All rights reserved, UCC 1-308, and then sign the Name below what you just wrote on the ticket.  This action allows you 72 hours to rescind the contract. A widely recognized and universal law of commerce is that contracts can be canceled within 72 hours. Many contracts include a document titled “notice of rescission.” The buyer, in most cases, must execute / sign and date the document and get it into the possession of the seller in order to properly rescind the sale.
If you are arrested and taken before a Magistrate, he/she will ask you to state your Name. The Magistrate is making you an offer to enter their jurisdiction.  Next you will be invited to sign the paper the clerk offers you.  You will be in a contract if you sign it.
Remember, if you are about to go into court, it is vitally important to declare that you are not a corporation prior to a hearing or trial.  Otherwise, the judge will find your silence on that point a fact and then proceed under the presumption that you are a corporation.

Please remember, you are not a Name.  You are a very powerful living being when in honor.
One, known as Steven, Æ spiritual Living Being having a human experience. One lives “life in this realm” intentionally and loves, honors and respects all Universal beings as One. He does not have to prove the negative, rather One just needs to know to not get trapped with controlling words and jargon designed as such. One is not a person, not a subject or citizen nor has any allegiance to any country, State or States in contract, not a U.S. Citizen or National, not a civilian, not a resident, not a legal entity dolus trust, not an enemy combatant, and One is not a member of any Jural, political or religious society/body. Be it also known that “person” is a word of the Private Civil Law, and a “man” is a word of nature.
Related Articles:

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Radiation Support for Your Immune System; Plant indoors this year

Posted by angelbabe43 on April 5, 2011

Internationally recognized symbol.

Image via Wikipedia

By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
Global Research

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Please note these educational suggestions below are not cure-alls for radiation exposure. But it is important to support and protect your immune system, as best as possible. These are sensible precautions. If you are on any kind of pharmaceutical drug(s) or have health issues, please check first with your health care provider, writes Dr Perlingieri, after providing background info.

I have had countless calls asking for more suggestions on how we can support our already compromised immune systems, as we are exposed daily to untold levels of radioactive elements that are now traveling world-wide. Due to our already highly polluted air, we now have a multi-pronged attack on our immune systems. We were never meant to be sponges for an assortment of highly hazardous and unregulated chemicals and nano-technology, genetically modified organisms, aerosolized Chemtrails, pesticides, and artificial and poisonous additives in our food supply. This has been going on for most of the twentieth century; and now laws, in place for decades to protect us, have been gutted. Secret political agendas and corporate profits continue to take priority over our well-being and safety. This has a long history in our corporate consumer-oriented society. For the first time in our recorded history, we have multiple and chronic illnesses caused by human intervention. Greed trumps everything else, when the world (gone amok) is filled with moral indifference and decrepitude, along with enormous governmental corruption.

Here is a bit of background: Unstable atoms give off energy as their nuclei spontaneously decay. When this energy is a radioactive element [and there are many, each with a different half life] and sufficiently strong enough to actually dislodge electrons from other molecules or other atoms in its path, it actually can damage or kill any living tissue. This is called ionizing radiation; and it is this that is so deadly –especially for some radioactive elements that have a long half-life (such as Plutonium-239 with 24,000 years, and Uranium-235 with 700-million years). These and many more radioactive elements are continuing to come across the Pacific and hitting everything in North America, and then traveling to Europe and beyond. Nothing is even remotely fixed at the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors facility. On March 28, Florida and the Carolinas were reported to have rainwater and air with radioactive Iodine-131 [with a half life of 802 days]; and officials said: “there was no current threat to public safety.”(1) Another report on plutonium in the soil at Fukushima is here.

Pouring sea water on the damaged reactors is worthless. The radioactive rods are so hot that the water turns to steam. Why has this not been reported? PLUS there are more than 600,000 spent fuel rods that have been collecting on the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor site for 40 years. This is a radioactive plague being unleashed! How many more weeks will this cover-up go on, while both the Japanese public and the rest of us are not being told the truth?

The entire Japanese population already is in grave danger. All children are the most vulnerable to genetic damage done by radiation exposure. It can cause sterilization and radiation-induced cancer. Acute radiation exposure is now a fact for millions of Japanese. The rest of the world is not immune to this contamination.

A very high level of personal cleanliness is absolutely ESSENTIAL! Leave your shoes at door. Don’t bring in radioactive particles inside the house on the soles of shoes. Gamma rays are already on the winds. Remember, this is all invisible. Wash your hands upon coming in, before meals, after using the toilet. Children, especially, need to be reminded of this every day. The best soaps (such as castile soap) do not have chemicals, but few ingredients. Do NOT let children out in any rain, fog, sleet, or snow. There is a very high probability that it is now radioactive, on an on-going basis. THERE IS NO ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF RADIATION EXPOSURE –no matter what any public official or agency says. PERIOD! Here is a recent map from France, posted March 20, showing the dispersal:

What we need URGENTLY across the US and Canada is independent monitoring of the air and water (as there are the already mentioned reports of radioactive elements found in rain and snow). We need collective, grassroots help! Be creative. People could pool resources to buy a good-quality Geiger counter, or ask for help from some local college or university science department. Anything over 10 rems [the measuring in units of radiation exposure] is already dangerous. As Dr. Caldicott often says: “NO EXPOSURE IS SAFE!”

As I have written in my book, “The Uterine Crisis”: “invisible does not mean safe.” This, now planetary-wide crisis for all of us, is very grave. Yet, it remains invisible, not reported by a corporate-controlled media, and thus off most peoples’ radar. It is criminal what is being covered up! Excuses equal lies. I am sure most people do not realize the gravity of this on-going catastrophe, and the long-term implications for children and everyone else! Remember, our pets and all other living animals are also all at risk for radiation exposure.

Food and Gardens

Plants, too, are being exposed to this radiation; thus, we have exposure to the entire food chain. We are at the top of this already very contaminated food chain.

There is also the major financial part of this wrecked scenario. Food prices are already very high; and some staples have doubled in price over the last year or two. Predictions of crop shortages were already news over this past Winter. How does that connect with all Spring crops in North America with a probability of being planted in radioactive soil? Would this kind of contamination ever be reported? The US dollar is already manipulated green toilet paper.

In some parts of the northern hemisphere, it is the beginning of Spring; and those who love to garden are getting ready to plant their seeds. It is a ritual of renewal that many of us love to do. However, anything started outside now runs a high risk of being planted in radioactive soil –whether or not it is reported. This is why is it imperative for us all to get independent testing done for the real-time exposure level of radioactive elements. I believe it is already a hazard; but the governments never tell us the truth! Tragically, this same scenario played out at Chernobyl. People were lied to and deceived by government officials. A few courageous Russian doctors reported the truth; and they were discredited. People paid a heavy price with this hazardous exposure with high rates of radioactively induced cancers, horrific birth defects, and miscarriages.(2)

If you do any Spring planting, use organic seeds you may already have. Start them INDOORS, and keep them indoors. Place them near a window with sunlight. If you plant them in radioactive soil, they will be contaminated.

Radiation kills. This is why birth rates are also down significantly in Japan, because subsequent generations of women (after the US bombs were horrifically dropped on innocent civilians in World War 2) have had difficulty conceiving. Over the last 25 years, sperm rates have dropped 50 percent (and not just in Japan). Women also have numerous reproductive illnesses that make conceiving no longer easy. If we ever collectively saw the photographs of these heartbreaking radioactive birth defects, the nuclear industry would immediately cease to exist. The nuclear industry, built on deception, doesn’t want us to see this. This is why Dr. Helen Caldicott and Dr. Rosalie Bertell’s life-long and courageous work on the extreme dangers of radiation is so vital!

Please note these educational suggestions below are not cure-alls for radiation exposure. But it is important to support and protect your immune system, as best as possible. These are sensible precautions. If you are on any kind of pharmaceutical drug(s) or have health issues, please check first with your health care provider.


Do not use food produced since about March 14 (the approximate date the radiation traveled to the Pacific West Coast), due to radioactive Strontium-90 [it has a half-life of 29 years] and other radioactive elements. For example, Cesium-137 [with a half life of 30 years] is chemically similar to potassium; and because of this, it can become metabolized in the body through foods, including dairy products. Do not use any fresh-grown or harvested produce, as the soil throughout the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere is now very probably radioactive. This, combined with the aerosol spraying of Chemtrails makes for a very toxic soil to grow anything. Organic whole foods are always a better choice than supplements (whenever possible), because the body absorbs and retains these foods in tissues far better. How can we have a safe food supply with such an abundance of poisons?

Eat fresh organic apples with the skin on (and the wax rubbed off), or applesauce, bought before March 14. Drink unfiltered, organic apple juice with Bragg’s Aminos (1 teaspoon per 8 oz for adults) [NOTE: I do not have any ties with this company]. Apple pectin is a known aid (and helped the children at Chernobyl); and it actually binds with various radioactive particles. Remember: “An apple a day…”

Here’s my article from March 17 with some herbal recipes, one specifically for radiation exposure. It was written with consultation from more than 12 medical practitioners:

Do NOT use any dairy products bought after about March 14. Do not eat junk food or anything containing aspartame (a toxic synthetic sweetener).

Drink lots of steam-distilled water! If you have a reverse-osmosis filtering system, this is also beneficial. This process eliminates bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and many chemicals. Unpurified city water may contain unknown quantities of chlorine, fluoride, or other sources of contaminants. You can add flavoring to this water with 2 Tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar per 1 gallon of steam-distilled water. Vinegar also helps with digestion.

Elderberry Syrup (in a glass bottle) is a great support for the immune system. Elderberries are a terrific all-around “medicine chest.” Children under 12 could take 1/4 teaspoon daily for the next 2-3 months. Children under 6 could take 1/8 teaspoon daily. It tastes delicious.

The best oils to use are cold-pressed organic olive and safflower oils. Coconut oil is also good for cooking and can be used topically for the skin, to help with dry skin. Avoid other kinds of oils.

Avocados and lemons help supply essential fatty acids that the body needs –again provided they are not contaminated! Find out where they were picked and when. Don’t shop on “automatic pilot” now. Do your homework and become an educated and informed citizen. Shoppers are not citizens.

Lemon-honey-fresh ginger-root tea is good daily drink. Use 2-3 very thin slices of ginger root per cup of boiled, steam-distilled water. (Powdered ginger root also works, but fresh is better.) Add honey and lemon to taste. For children, serve it warm or room temperature. Lemons are also a delicious way to flavor steam-distilled water and help with digestion.

Organic bee pollen (again check about the harvest date) is anti-microbial and has vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, enzymes, and plant sterols. It helps with stress, fatigue, and is a tremendous support for the immune system.

Buckwheat flour (for those who are not wheat intolerant) has rutin, and this also helps protect against radiation.

EAT LOTS OF GARLIC daily! This is long known to protect the immune system. Tumeric is also a good anti-inflammatory and a great spice to use regularly in cooking.

Medicinal organic mushrooms (picked before March 14, or dried): maitaki (a marvelous adaptogen, and it has been shown to inhibit cancerous growth), shitaki, trumpet, morels, all are excellent. There might be good dried ones available. Make the following: sauté 1 diced red and 1 diced yellow onion in organic, cold-pressed olive oil. Add diced mushrooms and mashed fresh garlic. Cook on low flame for about 10 minutes. Serve with pasta or over mashed potatoes. This helps support your immune system.


Vitamin C daily with bioflavinoids [this helps with C absorption] and rutin: Adults: 2-3 grams daily. DO NOT USE any oranges, lemons, or grapefruit (or other citrus) coming from any US southern state, due to the Corexit dispersant spraying for months (over land, too), since the Gulf of Mexico oil-rig explosion in April 2010. No testing has been done to see about any very real synergistic interactions among this deadly dispersant (that has contaminated the entire Gulf of Mexico region), aerosolized Chemtrails toxins, and radiation.

Vitamin B-Complex: For adults, 50 mg (max) of each of the major B vitamins (B-1, B-2, B-5 [called the “anti-stress” vitamin], B-6, and B-12) The B-Complex aids in supporting your body’s nerves, skin, eyes, mouth, liver, and hair to maintain their health. This also helps with anxiety; and this may be particular useful now with little information on the extreme gravity of exactly what invisible radioactive hazards we all face. Good sources of natural B include: burdock root (often found fresh), chamomile, raspberry leaves, brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsley, kelp [Atlantic and dried], watercress, dandelion greens, nuts, mushrooms, molasses, eggs, and rye flour.

Vitamin-A with mixed carotenoids. This helps not just with night blindness but also various other eye problems. This is particularly useful now with the use of EDB [Ethylene dibromide, a highly poisonous chemical], the desiccant in Chemtrails. Vitamin A maintains healing of the skin, mucous membranes, and bone formation. Some carotenoids act as antioxidants (that aid in the prevention of cancer).

Vitamin D: Due to a 20-percent drop in available sunlight, because of aerosolized blanketing of our poisoned skies, we are now running at a Vitamin D deficiency. 1,000 mg of Vitamin D-3 daily for adults is needed.

Vitamin E: natural sources (gel caps most often come from Genetically Engineered sources) include: cold-pressed olive oil, seeds, nuts, whole grains, sweet potatoes, dandelion, nettles, and rosehips.

Coenzyme Q-10. This helps prevent the body from absorbing radioactive materials. This is actually produced by our body’s tissues; and it helps support the immune system to prevent cardiovascular disease. Co-Q10 also has been used for decades by the Japanese for patients with cancer and leukemia (both epidemic since the US dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WW2). It also helps protect the heart.

Avoid using cellular phones. This already damages brain function. There are numerous reports on this. DO NOT LET the children use a cell phone! There are more than 4-billion cell phones in use worldwide. This technology was never tested for safety before billions of people became addicted to its use. We now have an epidemic of glioma cancers [a specific type of brain cancer that used to be rare, due to the use of cell phones. It is what killed Senator Kennedy, and two of my own friends.]

Zinc lozenges [OptiZinc has best absorption. Again, I have not financial ties.]

Kelp [Not from Pacific Ocean or Japan!] , 1,000 mg daily for adults; or a 1/2 teaspoon daily sprinkled on food.

Fresh Miso in soup [again not from Pacific or Japan]

Here’s a post from two scientists. They still think it is a fixable scenario. IT IS NOT! However, the photos they have show clearly how dangerous this on-going catastrophe is. These are the best shots I have seen so far. This will go on not for weeks, but YEARS! As I have just written, this is far worse than Chernobyl!

This global-wide crisis is of epic proportions. We no longer can leave decisions about our well-being and safety in the hands of politicians who are no longer working for us. It is time for us to join together peacefully and get accurate answers from independent people who don’t have any hidden and harmful agendas that make us all expendable for some corporate bottom line.



1. Daily Mail. “Rainwater and air across US contaminated with nuclear radiation is linked to Japan.” London. March 28,1011:

2. Pierpaolo Mittica et al. “Chernobyl. The Hidden Legacy.” London: Trolley, Ltd., 2007. There is a section in this book written by Dr. Bertell; Alexy V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nestorenko, and Alexy V. Nestorenko. “Chernobyl: The Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment.” March 16, 2011:

and Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri. “Chernobyl: The Horrific Legacy: 23 years and counting.” April 25, 2009:

Educator and environmental writer Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Uterine Crisis.” London’s “The Ecologist” calls this book “an inspiration.” She is an Associate of the Carnicom Institute.

Global Research articles by Ilya Sandra Perlingieri


Posted in BIG PHARMA, Chem trails, chemtrails, Codex Alimenta, Garden indoors, Government lies, Radiation Poisoning | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »