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Posts Tagged ‘Health Service Executive’

Depopulation by Mandatory Vaccination – Your Non-Future is Secured by the Hypodermic Pricks Of the Establishment!

Posted by angelbabe43 on May 14, 2011

Foreword by Neil Foster – The Sovereign Independent –

The article below is so full of holes and blatant lies that the Irish Independent should be prosecuted but there are no laws to state that the media has to tell the public the truth about anything so that’ll never happen. However, they should be prosecuted or at least taken to task the next time an Irish child suffers serious side effects such as autism or even death due to vaccination.

The ‘herd’ immunity theory is so bogus as to be laughable. Oh and by the way… We’re human beings, not CATTLE! Put simply, if I’m unvaccinated and my friend is unvaccinated and 80 % of our friends are vaccinated, then who is at risk? Through a simple calculation, that leaves 20%; my unvaccinated friend and myself. Do we care? NO because it was our informed choice, through our own independent research, not to become vaccinated. Therefore what have the other 80% of our friends got to worry about if the vaccines work?

The truth is that vaccines have never been proven to work and that every major disease eradicated and attributed to vaccines is a lie. These diseases were virtually eradictaed prior to mass vaccination campaigns. The historical record shows that absolute FACT! It also shows that the same diseases have been introduced on many occasions by the vaccines which were meant to prevent them. It also shows that most cases of these diseases are in VACCINATED memebers of the population.

I’m not going to put the links up here to make it easy for you. DO IT YOURSELF! START GETTING INTERESTED IN THE HEALTH OF YOUR CHILDREN!

Either that or you can trust a lying, thieving, parasitical and corrupt cabal of political puppets in the back pockets of the owners of Big Pharma corporations… THE WORLD BANKERS who continue to destroy your financial well being and who seek to destroy your health for profit and a depopulation agenda that is global!

Concern for children’s health as parents ignoring vaccines

By Edel Kennedy

Parents were yesterday warned to ensure their children get all of the jabs against potentially fatal diseases as figures show a drop in the uptake of vaccines.

The Health Service Executive said infants need five GP visits in the first 13 months of life for full immunisation — and if they fail to get the necessary booster shots then the early vaccines are worthless.

Dr Alf Nicholson, a paediatrician at Temple Street Hospital in Dublin, said that many parents are not getting their children vaccinated, despite the fact that they are free of charge.

This failure by parents means we are just below the numbers needed for herd immunity — meaning that if an outbreak occurs, it will spread rapidly amongst those who have not been immunised.

“We need a vaccination rate of about 90pc or 95pc for herd immunity,” he said. “But at the moment we’re at the 88pc or 89pc mark.

“About two years ago we had a major drop in the numbers getting the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine because people were concerned about the link between MMR and autism. But that’s been completely refuted and the numbers have gone back up. But they’re still not high enough.”

He said the problem was exacerbated by a very strong anti-vaccine lobby in the US and Europe — but each country was handling the problem in their own way.

“In Hungary vaccination is compulsory,” said Dr Nicholson. “And in France it’s linked to child welfare payments. So if you don’t have your child vaccinated your payments drop.”

Dr Brenda Corcoran, of the national immunisation office, said there has been a drop in numbers getting the Hib booster and third doses of PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) and Men C vaccine, which protects against meningitis and septicaemia.

“We have seen a number of measles outbreaks in Ireland in recent years, which could have been prevented,” she said.

A new guide to childhood immunisation for parents has been launched to coincide with European Immunisation Week, which runs until Saturday.

A new immunisation tracker has also been launched to help parents keep track of their children’s vaccination history while also sending them timely reminders of when a further vaccination is due.

The tracker, which is available on and iTunes, sends parents reminders when their child needs to be immunised, or needs a booster shot.


Among the vaccines given is one for tuberculosis (TB) at birth, a six-in-one shot, which must be given three times to protect against polio, whooping cough and other diseases; and the MMR vaccine, which is first given at 12 months.

Separately, the Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) has also raised concerns over the drop in uptake of life-saving vaccines.

Young adults and children are most likely to carry the bacteria that cause meningitis — inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord — and septicaemia, the blood poisoning form of the disease.

Up to 300 cases are recorded each year with one-in-10 patients dying. And 20pc of survivors are left with after-effects including brain damage, deafness, blindness and limb loss.

Clodagh Hegarty, medical information officer, said: “Many types of bacterial meningitis can be prevented through vaccination.

“It is vital that parents ensure their children are fully vaccinated against strains of meningitis and are also aware of the signs and symptoms of the diseases as this can save a life.”

– Edel Kennedy

Irish Independent

Related posts:

  1. Vaccination: The Hidden Truth
  2. Educated families increasingly refusing vaccinations
  3. Vaccination rates fall among better educated families even while CDC keeps pushing vaccine quackery
  4. Millions of Chinese oppose mass vaccination plan
  5. Measles Vaccine Deaths Cause Panic in India!

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